It Coming!!

Wlecome To My Web Site!

Hola!!! My name is Jalisa and I hope you enjoy my Web Site! I have made this web site for helping people deal with life's many issues. I made this web site in my Web Page design class at Chicopee High School. This class is designed to help students make web sites on their own and if you need any help making your owne web site, then go to HTML GOODIES

This web site really helps you learn how to make your own web site.

I am a person who loves to write. This is an autobiography about me. I would also like to tell you the history of deafness and how I feel about wearing hearing aids. I love writing poems about love, feelings and relationships. I have lots of feelings inside that are close to my heart. If someone need's help with figuring out their feelings I would love to help and do anything for you. If you like to learn about the history of deafness here is a website that will give you lots of good information. Click Here For information about deafness


What Clarke School Do?

  1. *Helping people SPEAK.*

  2. *Helping people to hear better.*

  3. *Helping Learn better thing.*

  4. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    To Find more history of deafness



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