SaRaHs FrEak!sH PagE

Here's the deal.. I was recently looking at my old webpage and decided it really needed a make-over, but instead of going in and changing everything, I decided to just make a whole new one. So hopefully you enjoy it, and if I'm not too lazy, I'll try to keep updating it and stuff so it doesn't just become another forgotten page.. ;) Make sure you turn on your speakers cuz I put some phatty beats on here. See? I'm looking out for ya! Go ahead and get your nod on while you roam..

Whatcha want to see?

My Buddies

My Family

My Boy Toy

Animal Time!

A Little Bit About Me

Funny Pics

Ode to Body Art

Prom Time!

The Voice

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In Loving Memory.. Click the link below..

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