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Searles Family Home Page

Hey Yawl, I'd like to fist take a second out of your busy day to bable on about stuff you don't really care about. First and Formost, welcome to the Searles Family. As a visitor hear you have already told us that you wish to be a part of our family. Although this site is small, remember, I'm just starting this up and I haven't really decided what all is going in here. The following links lead to our Myspace pages. That is where you will really get the jist of us, and it saves on space for me here. Both my wife and I work full time trying to support one anouther, not as seperate entitiesin one home, but as a single unit, in this large world of ours. The two other names you see in teh family tree are our cats, Dave and Munchkin. if you wish to know what there initials mean, I'm sorry, but that kind of language will not be supported by this site. The final name is the Baby of the family. It is our little one Gimpy, our hampster. As of now, they do not have a page to themselves, but keep checking back as I begin updating this site so you may gain the whole picture as to what our family is all about

Now although MySapce offers great profiles for a single person, it is difficult to get a whole family into it, that is why I created this Homepage. It is the Hub into our lives and our abode. I hope you enjoy what you find here, and please feel free to comment on any improvments you may feel that this site needs. I can always use the thoughts of others to improve the grand design.

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The Family.

Our MySpace Profiles, and even pages for the pets!

David's MySpace
Beth's MySpace
Dave's Profile
