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The Stud's Farm
                HEAR ME ROAR!
Well Howdy Y'all
I'm the Texas Open Mouth Champ.


Varsity Wisconsin Crew. The Coxswain is actually on the phone with his stock broker.

This is my self portrait.

I'm such a hottie.


I give myself two thumbs up!
Witness . . . . 
Trekkies. . . . . 
drunk. . . 
Here are a few of my friend's web sites which you would also enjoy- not as much as mine, but you should give them a try anyway so that you may realize how good mine really is. What do you mean my hats are too small for my head now?
Outline.gif This would be Sara Arnold's site. aka Saraa. She's cute, but watch out- She's Trouble!
HUMPHREYa.gif This is Sara Covich. She's cool too I guess. hahaha. . just playing with you. She's the Chomp! and for some reason thinks I'm the freak of the Week every Week. Don't ask me about that one. I'm just an innocent bystander
adiaintree.jpg And then there's Adia. A dee a. She's too cool what can I say? We're trouble with a capital 'T'. Maybe some day I could figure out how to add some sound bites. She has the best reactions.

sure mare. . .sure

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