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' The Phenomenal ' AJ Styles
' The Phenomenal One '                 ' You Might Find Yourself Caught In The Styles Clash '

Roleplay Information:

Roleplay Number: 10
Record: W - 04 L - 01 D - 00
Phenomenal:  WME -WM2k1 Champion (1x), Undisputed World Champion (1x), Tag Team Champion (1x), Television Champion (1x), European Champion (1x) NWE -Television Champion(1x),
Styles Clashed:
Jamie Noble; Sonny Siaki; Matt Hardy; Chris Benoit; Raven; Tommy Dreamer; Mick Foley

Next Match: vs. Raven Event: Slam Stipulation: Double Title Ladder Match Title: None

.|[scene]|. The WME cameras fade up. They are focused on a large prison. A caption at the bottom of the screen reads 'Ohio State Prison'. The cameras switch over to AJ Styles, entering into the front doors of the prison along with Don Callis as the cameras listen in.

-|[ 'The Virus' Don Callis ]|- Damn...I hate prisons, AJ...And you STILL haven't told me what we're doin here...Shit [-looking around-] This place brings back bad memories...

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Ha, you mean when you were in jail, and everybody's bitch?! Hahaha..And would you cool it?! Damn, you've been naggin' me for hours, asking me why we're here..and I told you..everybody should know, AJ Styles is full of suprises..and I want to keep it that way..

-|[ 'The Virus' Don Callis ]|- Whatever..and NO..I wasn't anybodies BITCH! If anything, every other guy was MY bitch...

.|[scene]|. Callis has a confident smirk on his face, as Styles stops in his tracks and looks at him confused.

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- What?! Are you sayin that you actually made some guys your bitch..Damn man, that's disgusting...

-|[ 'The Virus' Don Callis ]|- Wha? No?! I..I just..Ah, fuck it...

.|[scene]|. Callis keeps walking ahead, as he shakes his head back and forth. Styles smirks and keeps up the pace with him. They stop at the front desk.

-|[ 'Front Desk Worker' Corey ]|- Can I help you two gentlemen?

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Yea, we're here to visit someone...

.|[scene]|. Styles adjusts the TV Title over his shoulder, as Callis looks over at him confused.

-|[ 'Front Desk Worker' Corey ]|- Who are you visiting?

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Heh..Jake..The Snake..Roberts...

-|[ 'Front Desk Worker' Corey ]|- Friend or family?

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Well, neither..But, I guess..friend?...

.|[scene]|. Corey shakes his head up and down. All the sudden, two huge muscular guards walk out from behind a door. They begin to check Styles and Callis, running a metal detector up and down their arms and legs.

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Hey, watch the merchandise man...

.|[scene]|. Styles shakes his head back and forth, as the guard checking him just gives off a glare. The two guards walk back through the door, nodding to the front desk worker. He slips two passes to AJ and Callis.

-|[ 'Front Desk Worker' Corey ]|- Go back through that door and have a seat at station #9..

.|[scene]|. Styles and Callis head through the door. They enter a long room, where the wall infront of them is nothing but individual windows. On the other side, the prison cells. At each station, there are telephones. Styles and Callis walk to #9 and each sit down.

-|[ 'The Virus' Don Callis ]|- AJ...What the hell are we doin' comin to visit this deadbeat?...

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Ah c'mon..You mean to tell me you don't know?...

-|[ 'The Virus' Don Callis ]|- If I knew, I wouldn't ask dammit...

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Haha. Cool it, cool it. We're here because Jake the Snake is the guy who trained the piece of shit who I have a match with this week on Slam..RAVEN..

-|[ 'The Virus' Don Callis ]|- No shit?

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Nope. Where do you think the DDT came from?

-|[ 'The Virus' Don Callis ]|- Heh. Just figured Raven picked it up in some gutter, the piece of trash he is..

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Yea, I wouldn't doubt that either. But see Callis. Raven, or Scott Levy. He wasn't always Raven. Nah. See back in the day..He called himself..Well, lets just say..a few years back..He was pretty flamin'. Haha. That's why I hope to dig up some dirt on the sonuva bitch before his ass gets caught up in the Styles Clash come Monday...

.|[scene]|. Just then, Jake The Snake appears on the other side of the glass. He's wearing a customary orange prison jumpsuit, and has his hands handcuffed together. He's escorted to the booth by two guards. They set him down, and stand behind him with there arms crossed. Styles tries to hold back his laughter, as Jake picks up the phone. Styles does the same with his phone.

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Jake, Jake, Jake! Lookin good, my man, lookin good..You're what now? 60? 70? Hmm..Damn, don't look a day past 58...

-|[ 'The Snake' Jake Roberts ]|- Who the hell 'er you?...

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- What? Ah c'mon..You don't recognize me? Well, heh..I can't blame you..I mean you're gettin up there in years..But its me, AJ Styles..Ya know? The Phenomenal One..The WME Television Champ...

.|[scene]|. Styles shows off the Television Championship as Jake scoffs, shaking his head back and forth.

-|[ 'The Snake' Jake Roberts ]|- And yer' tellin me this like I really give a shit..

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Heh..well I figured you'd be thrilled considering you have nothing better to do all day then stare at a plain white wall...

-|[ 'The Snake' Jake Roberts ]|- Yea, yea, yea...Look kid, I haven't had a drink in weeks. I feel like hammered shit. Is there somethin you want? Ya know damn well I can't give you an autograph or anything..

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- What? You want an autograph? Sorry man, no can do..First off, I don't do charity..and Secondly, they wouldn't let you have it anyway..But yea Jake..There's a reason I'm here today..And that reason, is Raven...

.|[scene]|. Jake scratches his head.

-|[ 'The Snake' Jake Roberts ]|- Who?..

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Oh, sorry..You don't know the gothic, skirt-wearing, finger-nail painting, make-up wearing idiot of today..You know him as, Scotty 'The Body'...

-|[ 'The Snake' Jake Roberts ]|- Haha..Well by your description that makes up Scotty pretty god damn good..

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- What?...

-|[ 'The Snake' Jake Roberts ]|- Well if we're talkin about the same Scotty the Body here..Then that pretty much sounds like somethin he'd do and wear..a skirt, paint his finger nails, wear make-up...Haha, yea..ole' Scotty Levy..sounds just like him..

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Yea well, let's just say..Great minds never stop tickin' and I did my homework..I know you trained him back in the day in Pacific Northwest Championship Wrestling...

-|[ 'The Snake' Jake Roberts ]|- [-sighs-] Ahh, yea..The good ole' days..Ahh, who the hell am I kiddin? Those days sucked..I mean, Scotty the Body..What a character..What a bitch too..

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- A bitch?

-|[ 'The Snake' Jake Roberts ]|- Hell yea a bitch..The guy cried everytime he broke a god damn finger nail...Believe me, I had to slap him around a few times..Then, what's even that asshole stole my finisher...

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Well technically man, anybody can do a DDT..The Styles Clash on the other hand..

-|[ 'The Snake' Jake Roberts ]|- That's bullshit..Lemmie tell you somethin' kid..Nobody could do the DDT like Jake 'The Snake'...Nobody can these days..Least I don't think so..That piece of shit Scotty does..Heh, that's nothin but a cheap impersonation...

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Well this Monday..I gotta match with him..A ladder match..See, its a big opportunity for me, because I--

-|[ 'The Snake' Jake Roberts ]|- You mean that sonuva bitch is still in the business?

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- Yea, like I said..He calls himself Raven now..But anyway, like I was sayin' before I was rudely interrupted..I gotta big match this week on Slam..Me and Raven..Double Title Ladder..if I grab down this belt right here, I get a shot at HIS X-Division Title at Wrestlemania 3...

-|[ 'The Snake' Jake Roberts ]|- Whatever kid..I need a god damn drink...

.|[scene]|. Jake rubs his eyes, as Styles smirks and shakes his head.

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- You're hopeless man. Just like the piece of shit you trained. Raven. That guy's a joke. And so are you. You better start to like this cell Jake, cause by the looks of it. You ain't ever gettin out. Snake murderer.

-|[ 'The Snake' Jake Roberts ]|- That suppose to be funny kid?

.|[scene]|. Jake glares at Styles with a pissed off expression. Styles just smiles at him.

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- What are you gunna do about it? I'm not a snake man. You can't kill me. Hahaha.

-|[ 'The Snake' Jake Roberts ]|- You sonuva bit--

.|[scene]|. Jake goes to jump up against the glass as the guards immediately grab him and start to haul him off. Styles then hangs up the phone, and looks over at Callis.

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- What a character huh? Now I see where Raven gets it..Haha. Well, after this waste of time. I think I'll go back to the Hotel. Shine up this here Title, and just look at my reflection in it. Heh. Point being..Scotty 'The Body' or Raven..Whoever..One of 'em..if not BOTH..are gettin CAUGHT the STYLES CLASH..and this belt, its stayin'..

.|[scene]|. Styles rubs the face of the belt, then adjusts it on his shoulder.

-|[ 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles ]|- With A..J..Styles!..

.|[scene]|. Styles and Callis get up and walk off, as the WME cameras fade out to black.

Copyright : Mancini Productions