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Materials needed:
1 rugged ball(aka green kickball with ruggedness)
A few Rugged Friends
A Half way empty parking lot
and some shopping carts
Cigars(optional for extreme ruggedness)
Rugged Fingerless gloves (optional to look ruggeder

The Game:
You can play with however many people. one person starts out with the ruggedball and the rest have shopping carts and stand about 50-60 feet away from the kicker at a designated starting line. the Kicker kicks the ruggedball high into the sky and the others try to catch the ball in their carts on the fly. Games are played opn a point system. Games are played till 8 points are scored

Normal Catch - 1 Point
Bounce from oponents cart into yours - 2 Points
Double Bouce in oposing carts then yours - 3 Points
Catch in top basket - 3 points
Point bonus for kickers - If ball is caught on first kick - 1 Point

1. No Body Contact. Only Cart Contact
2. any kicks that go out of bounds are concidered douche balls.
3. 4 douche balls in a row and the kicker is a douche bag and loses a point.
4.After you Catch a ball you are now the kicker and you switch was just kicking.
5.Hands must stay on the cart at all times. You may only use your BooBs and faces and body to guide the ball in.
6.If the kicker is on game point he cant score a one point bonus on the kick

the four fathers of rugged ball: Fike, Matt, Kenny, Craig

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The Rugged Boards