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Always Beautiful


   A lot of women take "beauty" for granted. I believe that there is no "ugly" woman, it is just knowing how to use the right techniques to better one's appearance. Learning how to apply make-up is not as difficult as it seems, it is just learning simple rules. For example, blush can make someone seem as if they have bigger cheek bones or smaller cheek bones. All there is to it is knowing where to apply it; at exactly which spot, and of course it is different for every person.

        If you happen to have unevenly colored skin there is no problem.
    There are all kinds of foundations and powders for every type of skin.
    Foundations and powders range from dry to oily, uneven to sensitive,
    you name it! Also another thing that plays a big role in choosing make-
    up is deciding how much money you're willing to spend. You can find
    make-up for every pocket, so don't worry about that!

   Just imagine the look you can achieve by knowing the appropriate techniques! You can go from sleek to sexy from one day to another, you choose! All you have to do is decide what look the occasion is calling for and go for it! Sometimes you're going to feel like it is much, but as long as you follow the directions given, you'll look great!

Mascara  Lip Gloss
Eyeshadow  Eyeliner  Eye Makeup Removal
Powder    Blush

©Copyright 2006, Always Beautiful