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Red Line Rowdies

Welcome to the Red Line Rowdies homepage. Here you will find information about what the Red Line Rowdies are all about. If you have any questions after viewing the page you can contact me by clicking here

University of Delaware Blue Hen Ice Hockey

The Red Line Rowdies

are a group of avid University of Delaware Ice Hockey fans. The Founders of this group: Roland Bounds, Jon "Sparky" Sparks, and Bill Williams; met at the games by realizing they used the same types of insults and overall obnoxiousness when yelling at the referees and the opposing teams. They brought themselves, a large rubber hammer, and within a few years a tiny baby girl (me) and other children and grandchildren. Since the founding of The Red Line Rowdies, several more people have been made temporary or permantent members of this group. Our main objective is to cheer for UD Ice Hockey, badger the referees, and annoy the opponent in any way possible because it is fun. We also get to know the players on the team pretty well and most of them will introduce us to parents or friends as "...our biggest fans..."

The Red Line Rowdies began giving a fan favorite award not too long after coming together. Started as a joke to "reward" players who weren't necessarily the most talented players on the ice, but definately the most entertaining, soon became a very serious and important award to the players. Competing with one another for this award gave the Rowdies new things to give points for other than entertainment. Now, scoring and assisting a goal were given points (ensuring that talent had something to do with it) and each Rowdy would make a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd star for each game awarding more points for those players. At the end of the season, they'd come together and decide on a winner. In the history of the award, only two people have ever won the award two years (both I believe won it two consecutive years)-Jason Burgey and John Colford (who is trying to become the first player to win it three years in a row). When one of the founders, Roland Bounds, died in 2003 the award was renamed "The Roland Bounds Memorial Fan Favorite Award". The Rowdies were once recruited to be rowdy at the Minor League Baltimore Bandits' games. A Rowdy has even been to UD away games as far away as Arizona.

Our Cohorts

Throughout the many seasons that the Rowdies have been supporting this team, several groups of students have joined in their own ways. The newest (and coolest) one is a group of 3 students whom we call "The OLE Boys" for a reason, come to the games, sit with the Rowdies, and lead the crowd in a chorus of "OLE, OLE, OLE, OLE, OLE, OLE" when UD scores a goal. The players love to support and get very mad when music is played covering up the chant, which happens often.
Another group refered to mainly by us as the crazy, drunk, college kids used to make a lot of noise and be obnoxious like everyone else and they took a flag and ran it around the arena when a goal was scored. The problem was, the flag liked to fall off its pole, and did so often.
More information and pictures to come. Suggestions are greatly welcomed. Please email them using the email link provided.

PicturesMovie ClipsAward Winners

2007-2008 schedule is posted on the ACHA Hockey website Congratulations UD on your first win of the 2007-2008 hockey seasons versus West Chester