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The Truth


Welcome.. This site is designed to give you all a sight of what you wont usually get much in life - The truth, including secret police video tapes, CIA videos. The site will include information on various unknown subjects, and evidence for and against a lot of hot debated subjects over the decades, such as the JFK assisination, Gang violence across America, and secrets on both the US and UK governments.

Apart from the serious side of this site, we will also be available to provide you with the HOTTEST, video/DVD footage of a lot of banned, unseen and bootlegged material such as police evidence videos, street brawls on CCTV across the UK, Hardcore Porn, Real Gang tapes, and much more.

What Else?

Well Exclusive material.. For those who don't know what this means - it means some of the material we provide will ONLY be provided by us. Expect music. Exit Starlight Music and enter the truth, as we uncover a lot of unheard unreleased music as well


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