My photos...

Here, there are going to be some piccies of my friends and I... I haven't updated in a while so I thought I would throw some on here. Enjoy ;)

This is kinda an old one of last Dec... but i dug it up and put it on here. ;).

This is Baby-girl and Zoe. The little one is my baby... isn't she fucking adorable?! hehe I think so.

This one is just of Zoe. It's like those ugly-ass big headed doggie pics. well, this one is a real picture. ;)

This is one of Zach, Jeff and I while Jeff was here visiting. I miss him a lot. Wish he was here longer.

This one here is of Zach, Jeff and that sexy woman Darby. All awesome peoples.

This is another from that day. Darby, Zach, Me and Jeff. We had a good time just chillin' out.

This is one from the summer of 2002 while I was in Georgia w/ Kell. We had gone fishing and Chris, her dad, is holding the fish I caught. One of the few times you'll see me w/out a shirt too. ;)

Yet another at a different angle. It was a big catfish and I was damn proud of myself. :) once again, me w/out a shirt. >.<

This is my girl genna. she's awesome! love you genna!

This is just a recent one of me that i took the other night. not a great pic, but not bad. ;)

This is my tongue stud! I still can't believe that I actually got it done. But, i did. :P

This is my buddy Mike's tatoo. Isn't it fucking awesome? He designed it himself. It's cool as shit.

this one is ofme after Prom when we went bowling... I was cheesin' for the camera. :D

this one is of the 4 of us... Elissa, Chad, 'Neese and I in our clothes before Prom..

this one is of just me... my ass part of my dress all pops out all huge like cuz no one told me is was all poofy!! man, damn people... *grumble*

Here's Elissa and Andy... we actually got him to go w/ us!! oh, and that's chad in the background being his weird ass self...

This one is of my date and I, Phil... he's a big sweetheart..

hrmm... this is 'Neese and Chad... they're so fucking cute!!! Don't you think?

This is most of my senior class when we went to Kincaid Park and played around all day. it was soooo much fun!!! and it was hot outside too. :)

heh, here's my stupid ass on the mechanical bull... that shit was fun though. :D