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Hey Babe!
I FREAKEN MISS THE FREAKEN SHOOT(hehe) OUT OF FREAKEN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both Ways. Well, this place were at hates our guts(People we used to live with in the apartments) So I dont know how long this can be, but anyway, I LOVE YOU! Im in Love with you babe, I miss you so bad. The Thing with our parents putting the restraining order has to suck for them. There is still no way that I could leave you alone babe. We are fighting one of the hardest battles in the entire history of the unifrickenverse. You are that perfect lovely Princess and Im that lowly Knight trying to save you from the Castle, and our lovely parents are the Dragons. Except for I dont have a sword, so I can basically do is scream loud or something. HYPNOTYSM! That might work, I heard Large beasts would succumb to music, so maybe we can lule them to sleep and make for a cave(Unluckily this freaken cave has a giant ogre in it, but thats like the second book in our lovely saga). But back to the point, Im in love with you. I will never falter or be taken off of the path of Rachelsness. My wonderful wife, gods givin me the one thing in life that I have always asked for. Im not sure If I deserve such a magnificent gift, but you are SO precious. Sorry about that Alaska thing babe, no way was there any relations with that e-mail pig. Like I said before I want you to go back through and delete EVERYTHING in our other e-mail, mail, contacts, EVERYTHING, but only leave my Rachel stuff. Please. When Push comes down to shove babe, our parents over there will overpower us. So eventually it will all come down to you and I. Im ready for them to start attacking, but its going to suck terribly. We will only have two options when it gets to its worst(Our parents). Both of us will end up talking to our parents. First I will show up randomly at Alameda, and get in trouble and try to talk to her there. But, then you will have to talk to her WHEN that fails. Our mother will never have a heart for me, but she will have a heart for you. Out of this little Fairy tale life, there is only three people who have the power to do anything. First, our Dad, then our Mom. But finally, theres you. Brilliant Gorgous, Rachel. The almighty and perfect. Well, actually God plays the biggest part in this, and I think he wants us to stay together forever which is why he is testing us so hard right now. But other than that, theres you. You are Rachel Elaine Nettik, Best Wife, One and only Conquerer of Jared Wayne Nettik(Soon to be Rachels Wayne Nettik), Extreme Genius sent from the heavens, and the best friend I will ever have. The only friend I need. When im starting to get In trouble by our parents, Thats when all my faith goes to you Rachel standing up and Rescuing us, because Im the clumsy Knight, who ends up tripping and the perfect Princess picks him up and saves the day. I so wish we could work as a team babe, time will come when I can see you constantly and you and I will work as a team, and create so much joy for our life. We have so many resources in life that it should be fairly easy, all we have to do is stick together. If one day you stood up to our parents, and they told you to get out, or something,(Or if they gave you permission to be with me) then I will be ready. Thats what Ive beem doing recently, getting ready and making sure that I can be with my babe, cause Im in love with her so dearly that all my dreams and hopes rest in her lovely heart. Still havnt seen The Notebook yet, im saving that for when we can watch it safely together. But I still know what the meaning of True love is, Iv'e discovered it since we first met. Its grown so much that sometimes its hard to understand, but that just makes it better. Because being around you makes me understand that awsome stuff to the point of insanity. You Rule babe, You Rule. That Alaska thing was like, No people, no place to go, only jared and rachel kind of thing, plus we had a hookup to go, but I could tell that you disliked it so we will find a better place. Rachel, Jared's, I am in so much love with you that I float on it while I lay in bed or walk around the house. I will be able to get along with our parents, but they will never accept me. They dont think that im good enough for you, so I will never be good enough for them. Which is true, but them, I dont love them like I love you, and you the same. When it comes down to it, I will join a gang and create all hell and total anarchy through the government so that I can be with my babe one month early. Its so hard being in this world with so many violently ugly people, and its against the law for me to see the one and only perfect person. Not to mention that im direly in LOVE with that girl and vice versa so it makes it even harder for us, and even sicker for our parents. I dont even hardly remember why we got taken away from each other anyway. It started out with us sneaking out solely so that we could get to see each other because our parents wouldnt let us after school or at all. Then it got harder, those times that we could see each other are unimaginable in your mind(over here). Then our parents started to choke tighter and the only thing we could do as teenagers was kick and scream. Ended up bighting them or something (atleast in their minds) and now we are taken away and stuck in cages. I wonder if our parents ever went to jail. That stuff isnt cool. We went three times in on month trying to see my babe at school. Sleeping in sleeping bags and stuff in the snow at first, then finding "people" to let us sleep in the cars so we didnt freeze when we were together. I still have nightmares about going to century and hiding from the Principle. It was scary back then, we even lost our cool a few times. Then the house sneakings came around. I used to sit outside your window in the cold and snow and talk to you. It was so sweet. I like the part that I spent over seventy dollars each time. Then we tried to get into the house for warmth a few times, but that ended bad with our mother with Ninja ears. I love the way that I was holding out my hand to grab yours as you were coming down the stairs in the dark and when i reached out to grab your hand it was our mothers. But then she was just like, "Ohh, Hi Jared." and walked upstairs all calm like and stuff. Ohh good times babe. I wonder what the problem with a simple phone call everyday is. I would love to stay tightly connected to our mother and father after we get married, but I think that they wouldnt like that very much, atleast if i was there. Which will be hard for them to see you then because im going to be with you 24 / 7. I miss you so much babe, but I think when our parents start overrulling us completely YOU need to stand up to them. I really dont want to let you do that, because thats SOOO HARD on my babe, MY BABE! So it rips at me all over but there is nothing that I can do about it. Ohh I miss you sweetheart, you are my precious. Something that kind of sucks is that we could make it to Alaska, and our parents will never see us again and we would be well off. But we stayed here for them. In two months we could have been in our own house with a business. Yeah, a bonafied have to be eighteen to atleast try to get this certificate kind of thing. Ohh babe, we would never have had any other problems. The offer is still turned up, just because we wont tell him no till the last second(so we can talk to him less, hell get over it). Some old guy runs a few things out in Alaska, electronic stuff, so we would have connected through him. Gone through a long trip to get there, and a little getting used to, but I would have my babe. Our family over here has already disowned us. Our Grandparents and stuff have told us never to talk to them again, because I couldnt spend the night away from my Rachel Stuff in our bedroom. I sat on his lap until I was fourteen eating peanut m&m's. So it would normally seem hard, atleast for a sane person, but babe, im so in love with you that its crazy. I am in love with you so much that its so hard to still love our parents(over there) and have them do this to us. I really wish that I could talk to our parents and wave the big white flag. Make a truce with them or something. Five minute a day phone call would be awsome for the next two years. I wish our parents knew that so they would cut us a deal. I would honor our parents for that. Its all up to them though, they are the ones that control you. I know easily that if our parents would let you come with me now, that we would already be well on our way of eternal bliss. Highest Glory of the Celestial Kingdom is still our main goal. Even if our mom was like "Rachel come help me watch the kids" or something while you were with me, I would still love it. Thanksgiving that year was the best dinner I ever had. You are so precios. This Thanksgiving our parents(over here) went to california to visit our dying grandmother with all of our cousins and other family. I stayed here for my babe. So all I had to eat that week was Crackers and Mustard, cause our mother never bought us food because she thought we were going. It was worth it, and for our birthday and Christmas im still only asking for the same thing that i asked for last year. Just to see my babe. Birthdays and Christmas are Huge in our family over here, presants galore, but we didnt get any because we said we would give it back. I wish our parents over there would just let us drive up there one day and bring dinner or something, and then just sit and talk to them like normal human beings, and have them discuss issues and such with us, because it would make all of our lives easier. Our life over here would be let up on the most, so thats why our parents over there wont talk to us. All I want from you now, is to atleast let our parents know that you think of me. My precious babe, ive already decided that our parents were going to push us till Prison, so I know that we need to set up our future for the afterlife, when we actually get to be together. i dont know if our parents will do that to us or not, but its better to be on the safe side anyway. By the way, if im ever "in town"(not in our bedroom) with our mom or something, I always wear my seatbelt now. How cool is that? I dont want this world to end, nor to even risk not being able to have a snowball fight of the century with my babe. That was the funnest time in our life over here, and look! Our mom was somehow apart of it also! Sorry babe, Im in love with you. I miss you so bad that it really hurts. Our parents are even making us give up Collage over here. We got over three schollarships a day for two weeks, to places like Yale, Westminster, and Georgetown. All sorts of good schools and we cant leave because our parents over there wont let us. And there is no way that I would leave you for collage. We could have gone to I.S.U. for free but we missed our chance when we went to jail. So now we have to start off almost next to everybody else. We have more experiance though babe, we have already owned a profitable business(In ninth grade non the less, computer company, told you about it before, it has to do with software and stuff but I can tell you later.), We have had like over Thirty Well off Web Pages, Not to mention the high honor role(with straight F's), and not passing a grade since the fourth. Thats only because in fourth grade, we did a Federal Government Test to see whether I was a genius or not and took within tenth out of the whole DAMN FREAKEN NATION! Sure it was only in fourth grade, But I had already passed my algebra classes. Had a ninth grade reading level since they tested it on us, and then it moved up to 12 + in seventh grade. Our whole life over here babe we have been getting ready and trying to build something. Ive searched for you my whole life, and now that I have found you at such an early age we have to suffer. Alot. But in the end that makes it even more romantic. I forgot to say the coolest part about me being dumb before I met you, I wrote a state required essay on Why Not to Be Afraid of Something. And my essay was about Killer Bees. No No, not just normal killing bees, but AFRICAN KILLING BEES! Got a 4 out of a 4 so I was pretty happy. But AFRICAN KILLER BEES! IM IN LOVE WITH RACHEL! Babe please will you ask our parents for some kind of deal or truce before it comes to late. I just want to have anything to do with you, I dont care about the conditions. Any of them are fine. Please ask our mother this please. Im in love with you babe, and Ive gotta go, i will write you some more A.S.A.P. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy! ALL OF THE TIME! You never know dear, how much Im In love with you, So doo doop dee doot doot dee doo. Im in Love with you my precious. MUAH! My Babe. In Full True Love, Jared(Rachel's) Wayne Nettik P.S. Copy and past this all to notepad or something and save it as a .txt to an A: drive harddisk. Press on that little box in the far bottom left corner that says start, click on it and look for the thing that just says "Run...". Click on that and type in "notepad". Then Copy and past it in there. MUAH! IM IN LOVE WITH YOU BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAHVMUAHMUAHMUAHMUAH

12/12/05 Hey babe, Im In LOVE WITH YOU! I tried to do this stuff as fast as I could, So then afterwards I decided to make this little thing so that you could read it easier or something. Im really in love with you babe, I miss you so bad. I cant wait to talk to you again. Im going to type all sorts of stuff to you and then ill take it and update this thing alot, ok maybe not ALOT but alteast there will be ALOT to read :) MUAH IM IN LOVE WITH YOU BABE! We got a call from our probation officer this morning, We were on the phone with our mom, so she came back and got us to do that ISU thing, but I didnt talk to our Proby officer so we could be in alot of trouble. Tomarrow is our last chance to take the G.E.D. Test. This is our first time trying to take the Actual test, and we only get one chance to pass it or else we are done, in the butt by my babe :) MUAH IM IN LOVE WITH YOU SWEETHEART! MUAH MUAH MUAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAH MUAH MUAH! I miss you so much, You should tell our parents randomly one evening, "Hey, Jared says "HI MOM!" ok babe? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!! IM IN LOVE WITH YOU BABE! You should tell her that someone from school let you use their cell phone during lunch and you called and had a happy few minutes. Aight? MUAH MUAH MUAH!!!!!!!!! IM IN LOVE WITH YOU BABE!Im SOOO READY to leave with my babe to some alien planet. Thats one of our dreams that wont ever come true but it would be a nice rescue. The Aliens should do us a nice favor and come and pick you and I up and take us to their perfect planet where you and I would be taken cared of for the rest of forever. Wont ever happen, but that doesnt mean that I cant lay in our bed and hope and hope that something like that will happen. MUAH MUAH MUAH! We need to be rescued so bad, were so close to being able to actually be together forever. I just need you to promise me one thing in light of this new information that i have to work with. Will you promise me that no matter what, you will stay with me and do whatever is necessarry to be with me. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!! IM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU BABE!!!!!!!!!! We have the brightest future out of everyone on this whole planet (blow). I just cant wait to wake up to you in the morning five hours before work and just lay there and hold you or play foosball or arm wrestle or something. When were together there is SOOO many things we can do to have fun. I cant wait for another little session of our little "Tug Boats" in the tub game. Remember the one that we played up at our house over there? We could make all sorts of fun stuff, plus I love the way that youll do anything to beat little oll me :) MUAH!!!!!!!!!!! MUAH MUAH MUAH!!! IM IN LOVE WITH YOU BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAH MUAH MUAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!