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KaTeLyN's PaGe!!!

tHiS iS wHaT mY SiTe Is AbOuT

My Favorite Web Sites

By the fans, for the fans, Audioslave fans
Linkin Park fans, it's heaven
free mail, hey...

Hey, thanx 4 comin' to my pretty gay site, it WILL get better, I promise. I just figured out how to use the HTML on here so i plan to do some sweet stuff to this site. I want to say hi to all my internet buds. i would say hi to all of my friends but i don't want to write their names if they're never going to see this so to Ashley, Andrew, Maddy, Toyhanni, Holli, and uhh Carissa. peace out. lates. rock on. ^__^ I Currently have n idea what my site should be about, so I'll have a Contest. Whoever gives me the best topic for a site wins. i have no idea what tho. so E-mail me and I'll see what i can do. Lates
