Subject: New layout change - New Nightwish AMV!
Posted Bye: MasterYugi
Date: Feburary 01, 2006
Post: Good morning everyone! Today is a great day! I have worked 4-6 hrs yesterday coding this new and final layout of the year! Reason why I call it final, is because the other green layout I had the other day was messy, and one before I had was messy. I try really hard to code layouts well. This one I believe is coded out perfectly, no overlayers and such! Also today in media news, I have made our first new Feburary AMV of the new month! It is another Nightiwish song - this time it is called "The Kinslayer". This came out really good for Yu-Gi-Oh! Click here to watch The Kinslayer! This has been added to our music video page! Also mention the other day; the new bakura AMV Bring It On by Godsmack is online as well! This came out really good for Thief Bakura! Click here to watch Bring It On! This has been added to our music video page! That is all the news for now! Seeya!

Subject: New AMV style layout change - New Bakura AMV!
Posted Bye: MasterYugi
Date: January 29, 2006
Post: Good afternoon everyone! I have made a new layout change with the music videos this morning. I desided to add more detail about the AMVs and add clips to each one! Speaking of media, I found out from my host that I cannot have episdoes nor songs nore more.. wahhh.. it uses up too much bandwidth. However, he did say I can keep my music videos! So if you want eps or songs visit our affiliates or serch online. They say having episodes is illegal and it is copyrighted. So we cannot have them, we don't want to get into big trouble with 4Kids/KidsWB or TVTokyo! In other news, I have made a new Bakura music video today! It is calle "Bring It On" by Godsmack. It is dedicated to Thief Bakura and his battles against the Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt plot! I thought the song came out really good for him! If you are a big Bakura lover, go check it out! It is listed under our music videos page! Or you can watch it here.. Click here to watch Bring It On - Godsmack! NOTE - MUSIC VIDEOS IS NOW LISTED UNDER FANWORKS SECTION! Laters!

Subject: New Layout on Master Freed's Yugioh site!
Posted Bye: MasterYugi
Date: January 28, 2006
Post: Good day everyone! I just happen to visit our affiliate MasterFreed Yugioh's website today. Seems they have a new layout as well! Before it use to be blue now its black! So check out the new look also they have a new splash! It is nice! Nothing else happening with our other affiliates yet. Speaking affiliates, we are looking for new affiliates! Email me if you want to become one! Thanks! Laters! Click here to visit our current affiliate MasterFreed's Yugioh site!

Subject: New Layout and New Music Video!
Posted Bye: MasterYugi
Date: January 27, 2006
Post: Hi guys! New layout change! Desided tp change the new look! In other news a brand new music video was made this evening by me! It is called "Oridinary World" by Duran Duran. I thought this amv came out really good! Click here to watch Ordinary World! This rocks! Also; our eps have been re-added onto the media links. Laters!

Subject: Internet connection problems Went Down, Yugioh Episodes
Posted Bye: MasterYugi
Date: January 26, 2006
Post: Inrernet Connection Problems - Hello everyone! Man it has been a very long time since I have updated. I haven't updated in like what almost 2 weeks??!!!! The problem is our internet wire connections was having problems. But the good news is we are finally back online and I can work on the site again. Glad to see many fans out there are still visiting! Last week I believe episode 211 or 212 of Dawn of the Duel was aired on Kids WB. Im kinda losing track of Eng eps from Japs on WB, lol. Glad to be back online!!!!!!!! In other news, we are thinking of putting the episodes of Yugioh back online - both English and Japanese episodes! They will not be streaming unlike bedfore. We believe our host says that streaming media takes up a lot of bandwidth so we try to make it easier by using direct download media instead! Well that is all the news for now! Seeya!
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