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Free money for ten minutes work!, just let a small program (no adware/spyware) run in the background while you go on with whatever you're doing!

You aren't gonna make millions, but you can make hundreds! This method uses Appraisal sites. These sites contain search engines and the idea is you get paid for every search you do. Now normally you would only earn peanuts, but if you use this method, you can get more serious amounts for no work - It's all automated! Payouts depend on the search engine. THIS IS A MONEY MAKER AND TOTALY FREE! Below are the signup url's and website setup instructions - and don't worry, you won't receive any junk mail!

If you follow these instructions, you can make money FREE! Just set everything up as explained on this page and let the "OUGO Browser" run in the background, while you continue on with whatever else you might be doing. It's that EASY!

To SignUp for the 4 appraisal sites click The following URL's:

Continue with signup. Where it says "company" name put ?anything?.com, and for "url" put www.?anything?.com. When you finish signing up, complete the 1st part of the instructions. You will need to confirm your email address by clicking a link sent to you

1st part of the setup instructions

Login, to each site signed up for and on the menu click Manage Requests. Scroll down to the bottom left of the Page and hit Select, then Request. Then back down to the bottom left again and hit Page 2 if there is a Page 2, then Select, then Request, at the top of the Page you will see number of sites Approved.

Now, on the Menu, hit Campaigns. There you will see a Portal URL Link. Copy your Portal URL that is there, Example http://???/redir_portal.php?ID=XXXX You will copy and paste this portal URL into the "Ougo" right window during its setup after you download it (see part 2).

2nd part of the Instructions

Download the "Ougo Messenger/Browser" by clicking Download.

Instruction for "Ougo" setup.

Download the OUGO. After the Install, open the "Ougo Browser" (not messenger).

"Ougo" might ask you to set up before continuing.

A window might open (if not, click Tools on the menu bar, then Developers, Analyst, Act, Setup). On the bottom left click Append, A small window will open, Type in that window "Set 1". Go to the large window on the right and paste ONE OF THE PORTAL URL's. You will do this for Set2, Set3, and Set4 as well, before clicking OK. The window will close.

Now, back to Tools, Developers, Analyst, and click 4. The Portal URL's will load. And thats you done. You'll notice that the windows in Ougo will change every few seconds. If you want to minimize Ougo to the system tray, this can be set by changing Ougos options (Tools, Ougo Browser Options, Tray Options.)

To shut off the "Ougo", just close it. To restart it again, just open it, go to Tools, Developers, Analyst, and click 4. That's it!

Go to the different websites, and check under the statistics tab to see how much you have made. Takes about an hour for all the search engines to appear.