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My 10 Favorites Things!!

One of my favorites things in United States it's the weather. I like also to go out and ride the ATV's. I benn learning how to skate and i thing i do it good. In the las couple months i enjoyed the swimm team. I try put for the basket-ball team and i made ti but i just decide to do somthing that i won't be able to do in my country like it's diving. Now, i'm playing in the under 19 soccer team and i get one gol already. At my house i like to sleep, well i love it. i like to go and work out at the YMCA. And i like my host-mom food.

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"My Life"

I was born in Monclova Coahuila Mexico on August 31. My parents are Marco & Irma Reyes. I have 1brother and 2 sisters, Roberto is 8 years old, Carolina is 16 years old & Andrea is 13 years old. My parents' house is a medium size with three floors and is gray, I have not lived with my family since June becouse I started college in another state where I live with other 3 friends. We share a small house that has 2 floors. When I was young I use to play baseball. I practiced all kind of sports. My favorite TV show were Dragonball Z, El chavo del 8. My favorite food were icecream, pizza & doritos. We use to go on vacations to the beach. In my family my mom & ,y dad work so they prefer to take relaxing and comfortable vacations on the beach.
Actually, I came to the Untied States to learn English. I'll be here for a year. I'm 1 years old. I have short, dark hair, dark eyes and I'm not very tall. My classes include; American Gov't, Economics Physic Science, English 11, Calculus, Spanish, GYM, Computer Concepts, Ceramics, CAD & Public Speaking. But my favorite ones are Ceramics, Spanish, Physical Science. The schoo in México is different than here. In Hig-School you neeed to pick your career and take the necesary classes. For example if you want to have a laboratory career, you need more chemestry and biology. In my old school, we have Laboratory, Electronics, Mechanics, Electricity & Mechatronics. I chose Mechatronics becouse I can wok in automatization, progremming & robotics. I think this is the future work. Also, in my school, I enjoyed all kind of sportsbut i reather aquatic sports. When I came here all the people were very nice to me and I consider all them my friends.
I'll graduate in May 2006 from Elizabeth Forward Hig-School. When I return to Mexico I will go to University of Nuevo Leon, in monterrey Mexico. My dream is to be a Mechatronic Engineer but I would like to study 2 specialities. Some day I hope to be married and have children, a comfortable house, good job, and try to give to my children like my parents gave to me. My best lesson that I learned from my father is; nothing is free... you need to work hard to obtain all you want.

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"El Enredo"

This book talk about a confuse story, this recite start when 2 guys, Susan & Steve, received a letter from their uncle, Tony & his wife Marta, who invite them to go to Spain, they thought that was strange from their uncle, but their was really exited to go to Spain, so they accept their invitation. Steve & Sue traveled with Rogelio Riofrío, Tony’s friend, when they arrived to Spain they saw their old friend Ramon, who live in Spain, Ramon take them to the hotel, but, in the way they saw the Parque Güell, and Ramon explain to them that this park have a lot of Antonio Gaudí’s work, but, his master piece is La Sagrada Familia, this a old church, and is not finish jet because Gaudí die and the people think it is an ugly work. First thing that they doing was go to La Verbena de San Juán, this is a party before the big party, after that they went to Plaza de Cataluña also called Centro del Mundo, they walk around of Las Ramblas a small street and the people walk on there. Later, Ramon introduce them at his friends, Alfonso, Beto & Carlos Coraje, after Ramon introduce them they went to Montjuich to celebrate La Verbena. All they enjoin the time, drinking champagne and watching the water fountain. Next day, they see each other and Alfonso introduce Mercedes to them, and Steve thought that she is beautiful, then Alfonso explain to them that he has to go because have to give to some professor a final work, and Sue ask him if she can go with him, Sue saw that Alfonso received a lot of money for his final work. At the next day they went to Sitges a beautiful beach with a big port, but Alfonso can’t went with them because he went out of the city. One of the days they visit Barrio Gótico one of the olds part from Spain, and they went to El Museo de Historia de la Ciudad. In that moment Rogelio Riofrío was asking in some stores about a man. When they go out of the museum they saw to many people waiting outside the church, that was because they start to dance La Sardana, a really difficult dance where the people dance in circles of 8 to 30 persons. Next day they went to Montserrat and also they went to Pamplona, and Steve & Sue saw Las Peñas, a group of young people, be ready to start to dance La Jota, a easy dance where the Tzistularis play a bunch of instruments and they wear a blue jackets and dress. In the morning they went to El Encierro it’s where the people run by the street, Estafeta, with the bulls and try to go to El Encierro where they play with the young cow. But the strange was in the morning when Alfonso read the newspaper, and saw that Carlos Coraje is death. And they know that they can’t do anything about it, so, they decide enjoy the rest of their vacations, but also they start to suspect of Alfonso because he always change conversation and always go out for a long time. The next morning they went to saw Los Cabezudos also called Los Gigantes, big large headed figures made of pasteboard that represent kings and queens this figures weigh 55 kg and 5 m. of big. One of the days Steve decided run with the bulls in Estafeta’s street. One of the days when they come over from some of their trips and cross the border they saw Alfonso & Beto give money to the police, for one of the pictures that they bring it to the professor. One day they decide ask to Mr. Riofrío what happen with all this and he start to explain them; when you uncle & you aunt came here to have their honeymoon Mrs. Marta buy a lost pictures from Picasso and she expend a fortune, but after that and your uncle start to inspect the picture he discover that the picture is false. And I came here to find the guilty. And when he show them the picture of the guilty they recognized the man in the picture, it was the professor, Alfonso’s professor, and then they think about it, and relation that Beto & Alfonso are guilty also. After that they received a call from Steve’s uncle, and they went to receive him and his wife in the train station, but, in that momento Rogelio Riofrío saw the professor and he run let them alone, even when he said anything. Later he meet them in some place and they ask him where he go, and he response that he saw the professor and take him to jail also with their friend, and the guilty was captured. Everyone decides enjoy the vacation until they find another adventure.

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"Mexico" p.p.p.

Mexico is a big country with 1964375 km2. With a population of 97483412.

Mexico have big cities and small towns where people work at big companies or in the field.

Also there are international recognized universities all around the country.

Mexico has one of the bigest one Piramides like the piramides of Chichenitza

"Letter to Santa"

Dear Santa;
Hello, my name is Leonardo Daniel Reyes Fuentes. i hope you remember me. Right now I'm an exchange student. I was living in Monclova Coahuila, Mexico. I came here to learn english, so, if you don't understand my letter pleace let me know, and i'll write it in Spanish. I live in a house in Monongahela Pennsylvania, E.E.U.U. I live with my mom Jeanne & my dad Alan. Once in a while my brother, Michael, comes here for the weekend and also my sister, Jessica, and her husband, Jacobo, with their new baby. My hose is red brick. We don't have a chimney, so, I'll leave the back door unlocked. Pleace take your boots off when you get into my house. Thank you!! Outside are some carrots for Ruodolph. Now, I would like to have just to things; a lap-top & a Hummer car. My mom tells me that i just can ask you for six items, but really, I just want those two last things and the other presents that you're bringing for my family. Whatever you think is the best present for them, becouse that's what I want. I know there are poor people that are less afortunate than me, so, you don't have to bring me the Hummer car and change that for somthing special for those people, like a present or somthing for everyone like world peace. I actually think that the people are not poor when they have a family with whom to share the Christmas time. All this are like stupids things that I can have for myself later, but I would specially ask you for this Christmas for a special day to enjoy with all, my family. Bring peace, work & health for every one. Thank you for the things that you brought for me last year. Thanke you for the things that I will receive this year. I don't like cookies, so, I will leave a piece of cake and milk, next to the Christmas tree. If you prefer, you can look for turkey in the refrigerator. The pop is downstairs in Alan's bar. Remember to give food to all the reindeer; I know you have a long trip. My favorite reindeer is Rudolph, so, if you can leave me a Rudolph picture, that will be grate. Thank you again. Say "Merry Christmas" to Mrs. Clause for me. I was a very, very, very good kid this year, remember that haha IoI!!!

Sincerly; Leonardo Reyes

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Benito Perez Galdos lived from 1843 to 1920 is the best and most important novelist in Spanish Realism. His total work reflect the XIX century. He started work in difficul times of change, when Spain started to make itself a modern country and to believe in political ideas like Comunism & Anarchism. This particular author thought that the novel to be "the story of the living feeling and also the breathing of the people". Galdos was the author of many novels. Nevertheless one of the most important novels that he made was "Marianela". The story of a young love, a blind man and a poor young lady. Galdos wrote 77 novels and 22 theatre works like; Fortunata y Jacinta, Episodios Nacionales, Tristana & Misericordia. The story begin in Socrates when a doctor named Golfin arrived there. He get lost and was found by Pablo "the blind one" who took him to the miners offices. He was looking for his brother the engeener of the mine. Golfin met Pablo's father who asked him if exists a posibility to cure Pablo. Before Pablo was cured he spent a lot of time with Marianela, Marianela is the poor girl in the story who is completely in love with Pablo. They always took a walk together, to the mine, to the forest, to the river. They spent their lives doing things together. After the doctor told Pablo's father that a posibilityexist to cure Pablo's eyes, he got a call from his brother telling him that if Pablo recovers his sight he is going to be eligible to marry his daughter Florentina. But since the begining Pablo was canstantly telling about his feelings, so, he told Marianela that he is going to marry her. But once that he was able to see, he told his cousin that she is the perfect beauty. Marianela & Florentina become friends and Florentin tries to help Marianela. It was that great love that they once had. Marianela saw Pablo & Florentina together and she died for love. Her biggest problem was that sshe lost her parents when she was young,so, she did not learn to love. Pablo told her that he is going to marry her and then she saw him with another girl she died of a broken heart. It can't be becouse she was short and week, but Marianela always complained about it. She didn't go to the school becouse people made her think that she was good for nothing. She was really poor and she doesn't have a house, so, Centeno family "took care of her". They just give to her a dirty and cold corner in the house. they took more care of the cat than of her. I don't think that was the reason. You can not command your heart. Marianela, in my point of view, is insecure. She believes whatever people say about her, like, when they told her; she is good for nothing. Personally I like her character becouse she's the sweet part of the story and the suffering person inthe novel. Pablo's character I really don't like becouse he is a kind of player with Marianela. It never really said what he felt about this confusion, about his cousin and her, but he wasn't really honest with them. I don't care about how people dress and how they talk, I consider myselfbgrownup inside, I don't like to talk about it. I respect everyone and how they express themselves. I have traveled to many parts, and met all kinds of different people. I have a lot of friends and I think that all people are good in their way, I like to try and meet people and make friend. I'm openminded. I like yo know differents points of view, and hear what people think about everithing.

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"Spirit of Don Quijote"

Don Quijote, a book that show us the spirit of a person who even at his las breath was looking for the good and beautiful things that life have for us, like, love, respect & humility. Don Quijote is an old man who was obsess with knigth books, so, with the time Don Quijote become crazy at the point that he believe himself like one of theme. One day he start to looking for armor and a horse "Rocinante" so he can go and look at for adventures, also he find someone who ride with him like his best friend "Sancho Pansa". Once they start the trip Sancho Pansa recognize how crazy don Quijote was, when he wants to fight with "monsters" and Sancho Pansa only saw windmill. Any ways in their trip they experience many adventures, and also Don Quijote find love in one of those trips she was "Dulcinea". Almost in the end his family try to take care of him becouse they were embarrased becouse of him. Before he die he recover his mind and recognized his family, but in that moment Dulcinea apear and make him believe in Don Quijote again, and she made him believe, so, he start to talk like a knight and few minutes later he died. I'm glad he become a knight again becouse it's like never give up your ideas, tought, your beliefs. Live life, don't think in the future, forget the past and live the present, it's now.

"Next Step"

My goal will be to go to University of Monterrey. I'll study Engeneer in Mechatronic, people say it's a hard field but i just think that we can do whatever we want but of course we have to work hard for our goals, my father always told me, Leo, no pain no win! I'm 18 years old and and I'm an exchange student. I'm a year behind my generation, and there are friends that told me sometimes that i missed a year becouse of my exchange student year, but the longest you learn sothing, never will be lost time. I'll start college on August 2006. Before that happen I have 2 months off, and I woul like to lear another language, I'm trying to go to Germany for summer school, I hope that dream become true. Maybe my goals are not at all grate for you, but, hey everyone has their own ones. If you're reading this I hope you obtain your goals, whatever they are, never give up. And, Good luck!! everyone.

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