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The Ostberg House Cup

Last December 19th, 2005, Ryan Cunningham boarded a plane at LAX headed for Orlando, Florida. He was on his way to the southeast for the Christmas Holidays. It was just like any other holiday season. Bells, singing, God Jul, all that crap. But what Ryan didn't know, was that the next week would change the course of the Ostberg family forever. Dian, Janet, Peter, Janet and Megan all came south from snowy New England, and Lindsey flew down from the city of brotherly love. All coming to Florida, land of devasting hurricanes, lovebugs and in this case in 2005, the Christmas spirit. By week's end, the power of the Ostberg Christmas spirit had bore the Viking Helemts, and the Legend of the Ostberg House Cup, had begun. Highlights of the entire week, including all the pre-Christmas festivites in Orlando, Will & Siobhan's engagement, and the family Christmas at Aunt Lisa's in Naples are below.
And so the race for the innaugurial house cup was on! And the Cunninghams led throughout the months of January and February due to Megan's acceptance into college. The winter will also be remembered for the Ostberg's trip to Boston and the epic duel between Lindsey and Erika in a crying competition. The other big news from the winter was Lisa's Curves store opeing and Will & Siobhan's January 13th, 2007 Wedding Date announcement. The highlight from the spring was Lindsey & eli's trip west to California to visit Ryan & Shana. Clearly, this St. Patty's Day helped the Ogles & the Cunninghams. And so came the graduation season. Megan graduated from Newington High School, and Erika graduated from Florida State University. Soon it was summer time, and smell of BBQ filled the air. The major event of the summer was the party at the Ogle's Cheshire house. Will & Siobhan had journeyed north and joined in the festivities. And most recently, the OStbergs and Ogles gathered in West Palm for a fall rendevoux of Tequila and foolishness. It all culminated with the Ogles taking the lead for the stretch run of the Ostberg house Cup after a stirring bowling victory. And so of course, we move forward into the stretch run for the cup. Each one of the three families is anticpating Thanksgiving and Christmas, which seems closer than ever. And one year after the Viking helmets and the cup was born, we will crown our first Champions, as the Kings & Queens of All the Fools! Below are more images of all the great times we have had together over the past year. What a great year we have had so far!

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