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Song: AFI - Girl's Not Grey
Welcome to Microphone/wdhrudoinhgrgh¿¿'s Website! Where's your al- al- alright!

I have a name
I go to a school
I live in a house in a city in a country on a planet
I have an age
All I will say is I am a guy.
Yay fishies!
This site is NOT for the visitors, or for anyone who thinks it is for them,
this site is for me, I made it for myself, and I plan to
keep it that way. Find something offensive, or untrue? feel free to email me about it,
but don't expect me to care


Why The Idiot and King Tut's Curse

My Desktop Screenshot
Tribes Vengeance
My DeviantArt account

Site is (c)2006 M!cro, Microphone, ThisGuyHere, Photocopy, Pineapple,
ThisMicroHere, wdhrudoinhgrgh¿¿, and other names I use.