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||SaE hEyLo AgEn||


Hey! Welkum to mai paige... az yooh kan c itz undah sum maijor kunstruktion.. i jzt made diz layout sho tell meeh wutchu think iitez?im hopin u like it.. uhhh.. i guezz u should take a look around en remember to tag da gb on ur wae out.. thnxx much... *mwauh*

**Paige Infoo**

][Dezigner][ oHsOsWeEtViEt
][Updated][ April 5, 2oo3
][Theme][ uhhh... *shrugz*
][Song Playin][ Forever in Love *Azn Dreamers*

**Foe Wun Wun**

][Naime][ Nguyet Dang
][Age][ FiFteen
][b Dae][ May 9. 1988
][Lokayshun][ Chitownz 773 (^_^)
][SkooL][ LTCPHS =) `o6
][Statuz][ Singoo..
][Nashunality][ AzN
][Aznality][ Viet to da Fullest
][AiM][ XxShYaZnGaLxX
If i foegot anythin... im meeh.. not meeh.. or tag da gb.. thnxx...

**Shout Outz**

Mai Boiz

Daniel.Paul.Daniel.Jonathan.Jesse.Jovanny.Angelo.Sam.Jason.Micheal.Albert.Ronald.Ben.Sean.Jesse.Robert.Julius.Edric.Tony.Jesus.Ricky.Diego.Frankie.Cody.Thomas.Patrick.Joey.Joey.Robert.Chris.Dean.Son.Adam.Aaron.Aaron.Hao.Hao.Quang.Hoang.Phoung.Phong.Josh.Phong.Paul.Jesse.Lester.Minh.Pengeon.Chim.Joey.Jonathan.Vinh.Chris.Jon.Brian.Brian.Tommy.Tuan.Tuan.James.Kirbyyy.Mark.Todd.Phu.Mark.Mike.Wes.Vu.Matt.Justin.Noel.Andrew.Chris.Daniel.Peter.Hogan.Chaney.Rafael.Jimmy.Carlos.Carlos.Dung.Rey.Khang.Christian.Hieu.Jon.Eric. More To Come..

Mai Gurlz

Marifi.Abi.Beth.Elena.Evelyn.Genecar.Rhiz.Linda.Colleen.BT.Trini.Nichole.Sanja.Sheryl.Kathrine.NaNa.Diana.Justine.Trang.Trang.Caitlyn.Kim.Hang.Loan.Kathy.Monika.Mai.Maria.Veronica.Analise.Thao.CiCi.Christina aka Chi Hai.Stephanie.Megan.Gina.Kathryn.Nessa.Danielle.Amber.Ewa.Aneta.Luynh.ThuHa.Katie.Sasha.Sandra.Delia.Jenny.Marlena.Margaret.Evelyn.Leticia.Leticia.Paula.Lydiz.Jazzmyne.Amanda.Amanda.Jennifer.Carina.Jasmine.Kecia.Keyanna.Jocy.Ella.Iram.Amanda.Megan.Kate.Damariz.More to Kum…

*Speshul Shout Outs*
][Chi Hai][ hey wussupz my favorite chi hai in the whole werld?! lol! hehe.. wussupz chi?! mee nada .. im boblack thoe.. sry i didnt put anythin before.. lol.. =( u noe i luvvv yah thoe.. en u noe immah alwaiz be hea for yoooh.. ur mai chi hai.. =) eheh... uhh.. thanx for alwaiz being there for meh wen i need sumwun to talk to.. en uhh.. yeah.. hehe... i noe dere wuz sumthen else i wanted to sae buht i m trying to figure out wut it wuz.. lol.. ooh yeah..i dnt need to pray fer u en quoc.. cuz i noe everythin will werk out fer the bezt... he wouldnt hab left her if he didnt think u were werth it.. gib it sum tyme... =)uhh.. until then.. plae it kool.. en hab faith... i noe that u noe deep down inside that everythin will werk out.. en wen it happenz.. dnt skrew it up.. i luv u chi hai.. *mwauh*

][Marifi][ hey ghurl! Wussuh. U noe were gna be frendz to da veri end… evn thoe ur like 2ooo milez awae lol. I miss yooh en da tymez wen we chilled.. =( itz sho borin now.. me en yooh uze to chill like evrydae.. en now ur gone.. u were da only wun daht knew evrythin bout meh.. itz like.. we were sisters.. hehe.. we talked bout everithin.. en I evn trusted u wid everythin.. more then I kan tell anywun else.. uhhh… its like I didn’t evn haftah tell u sumthen.. itz like.. u.. u .. u already knew.. en I miss habin sumwun daht noez meeh sho much .. itz seemz like u noe meeh better then myself.. miss yooh en luv yooh.. *mwauh*

][ Jenny][ hey ghurl! Wussahz.. damn.. I habnt talked to yooh in like forever.. we were alwaiz real kloze… =] ,mayn.. wun ob deze daez we need to go chill .. get evrywun together en chill =] luv yah ghurl! *mwauh*

][James][ u noe I luv yah lotz.. buht u r kindah actin.. stoopid rite now.. I noe tymez r hard for yooh rite now buht itz still not a reason to akt like u do en sae da dingz daht udo.. if u really kare bout meeh anh.. u would stop actin like it… there are sho many peepo in diz werld daht kare bout u .. en i dnt dink dey wnt u actin like diz.. take into consideration wut I will feel en wut ur frendz would feel like if sumthen really did happen to yooh..

][NaNa][hey chi nga! I noe tymez are tuff but dnt let it get to yooh.. remember itz 4 to 1 .. dnt let that wun take u dwn.. I noe daht wun person haz a lot ob authority buht wut bout ur siblingz.. u kare bout them… u noe they luv u… think bout it chi.. I noe he pissez u off.. a lot.. buht dnt wry. Thingz will get better.. *mwauh*

][Phong][ I kare bout u like lotz.. buht sumtymez u akt like u dnt gib a shiet bout meeh en it pissez meh off.. all u think bout iz ur ghurl.. like im not evn there wen shez dere.. en itz getting to meeh.. itz not daht im jealous er anything.. itz daht.. ur like mai anh hai… but now u dnt evn act like it no more.. cuz ur alwaiz to bZ for meeh.. en I miss talking to yooh.. =*(…

][Jesse][ hey seksi jesse! i miss talkin to yah.. =( how yah been.. wuzz new? uhhh.. thnx for alwaiz bein dere for meeh wen i need to talk.. ur da bezt.. =D hehe.. luv yah.. *mwauh*

More to kum soonz…

U should chekk out deze paigez...

My Othr Paige! =)
