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Love is....

~ Is Not Only Roses and Candlelight. ~

~ Never Having to Say You Are Sorry. ~

~ Making, Creating And Giving Time. ~

~ Being There With Open Heart and Open Arms. ~

~ My Patience, Kind and Considerate. ~

~ Sharing Your Feelings and Thoughts. ~

~ Holding Hands and Giving Each Other Hugs and Kisses. ~

~ Spending Your Time Together. ~

~ Letting Each Other Know Where You Are. ~

~ Being Your Best Friend In All Ways. ~

~ Someone You Can Share Any and Everything. ~

~ One You Want to Spend Your Life With. ~

~ Having a Heart Big Enough For Both. ~

~ Ever Being Vigilant and My Strenght. ~

~ Caring and Considerate. ~

~ Discovering the Person That's Important To You . ~

-- last --

-- but not least --

~ Looking into the eyes and say ~

" I Love You and I Miss You Baby "

Kisses on the forehead and the nose.

~ Love Also Means Know When To Stop Although it Hurts

and let it go.

~~page created 04-10-2006 ~~