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Neolyn's Travels
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Hated Training
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Warrior !!?? :(
HEy journal,
Just to inform you quickly of the events that took place yesterday. I wanted to train, that was the goal of the day. Here is how it unfolded.
Starting out i attempted to find a group to train with my thief... i searched long and hard, posted msg comments. tried to do it all. But with no luck alas i decided to give another job a shot.
So yes, i've decided that ninja will be my next job to train to professionalism(if that's a word, mean 75). Being so means i have to train the job i hate most... warrior. Made a intersting party with a thief, warrior, ninja, white mage, black mage, and me, warrior. Got 2-3 lvls and met a some nice people while training including a hume named gel something... I'm bad at remembering first names but i hope i meet her again.
Later in the day was dynamis- xarcabard but due to outside circumstances i was forced to retire for the evening. Going into today im excited about what i can do and who i can meet.

Till next time see you again journal,

Posted by crazy/neolyn at 1:47 PM CST
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Not Needed ????
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: Bore
Hello, Journal
Well i finally was able to get out of the mog (HDD crash had to reinstall). To learn that my great Clan of U was already fighting Kirin in Sky.

So i quickly grabed my bard gear and headed to the great beast in the sky. Ohh my god i love mazurka so much!!!! Used this great song on my way up to the hall of gods through Ro'meave.

Suddenly with only a brief moment of warning my sneak effect wears off. Ohh my god.. im going to die!!! would have been thougthts through my head had it not been for my Mazurka... off i fleed as i aggored more weapons only leaving them in the dust!! one got close enough to cast poison and take my mazurka effect away but.. by then i was at the door!!!

Woot i made it up and headed into Kirin's layer... first try didn't even check the time, by mistake. So i chill and relax a while waiting for invite but non comes... Ohh well, bard pretty boring easy, too bad i didn't come as ranger :( maybe next time.

I decide to take a little nap on the spot lol (load CoP since i hadn't gotten to that party of my reinstallation). Maybe when i get back i can go put on my thief hat and find a group of adventures to go train with. Hidalgo and Aragosa where both on ^^. Anyways back to my dose just wanted to keep you up to date on what was going on. 99 journal!!

Posted by crazy/neolyn at 9:28 PM CST
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First Day and History Dec. 20
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: History N
In a small rural area in the far away land of Kazham it all started. Kamiko Rhawash on a cold wet day in the jungle was out for a walk. This wasn't uncommon for mithra in the area to go for strolls in the jungle. However Kamiko was due to give birth at any moment. So under the wet palms in Yuhtungga Jungle young Neolyn was born.

Neolyn came out with blond fur, and a squirt of a thing you could call a tail. Abnormally small for a mithra she was rushed to the clinic in Kazam by her panicstricken mother, "Ohhh, doctorrrrrr, she should be much biggerrr than this no?"

It was true the docter had never seen a smaller mithra in his life. But Neolyn looked healthy, even more developed than most kitts he had seen.

"Ohh Kamiko, worry not, Neolyn is healthy and should be fine, but we will keep her here five days to make sure she is ok."

So Kamiko headed home and left her firstborn with the monkey doctor of Khazam, Dr. Opotail.
Like all mithra Kamiko hunted her food every day, (mithra recover quick from giving birth). However, a great mishap occured on the hunt, poor Kamiko still druged wound up in the Sea Serpent Grotto, at least that's where her sash was found. Since the day Neo was born noone has seen her mother again.

Neolyn, never new her mom but heard of the great tails of adventure she participated in and void to do the same. At the age of 3 she killed a Mandagorra outside of town. Given it was half dead by some adventures who had fleed to town it was still a great accomplishment for her. She still carries the 4 leaf bud that mandy dropped because she claims it brings her great luck.

By the age of 9 Neolyn became head scout for the Opo flower club. With her cunning quickness and keen sight she would scavenge the jungle for the flower which when germinated would grow the panama's which the opo- opo needed to survive. Not only did she scout but she learned how to fight running into many goblin and fierce beens upon the path.

So Neolyn continued to grow and mature. She spent her entire life in Kahzam until one day she met this elf. (Neo personally finds the elvaan a somewhat.. hmm odd race, at least the males). Usually she didn't address strangers but this one seemed lost so she thought she would help him out.

"Hello, can i help you get wherrre your going sirrr?"

"Nice to meet you, I am Aragosa of Bastok, I am here to train amongst the jungle. However i can't seem to fine the entrance," replied the quite tired Elvaan, Neo had been watching him for hours.

"Only on one condition can I show you the entrance," Neolyn grined slyly at Aragosa.

"What's that cat?"

"Well first of don't call me cat, elf. And the condition is that i get to show you my favorite camping spot."

"Very well." Aragosa seemed tired and just wanted to be out of this place.

So with that the adventure's begin. Neo trained hard with Aragosa like he had never trained before and he asked her to come back to the mainlands with him. From there many adventures and event's have taken place so now she has decided to start this journal so she can remember back to what has happened in the future because over time the events have become more and more a blur to her (mithra don't have good memory). Stay tuned for the adventures of Neolyn, or NEOPWN as Aragosa referred to her not long ago.

Posted by crazy/neolyn at 7:07 PM CST
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