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Ramblings of an Extremly Boring Woman
Wednesday, 26 April 2006
AHHHHHH!! This was meant to be easy!!
Mood:  irritated
Well, it's official, I am dumb. I should probably just go out and dye my hair blonde so that people have fair warning not to assume I know what I am doing.

You see, it has taken me over a week to figure out how to sign into this blog. Now before you get the wrong idea, I should say that I always KNEW hot to do it, I just didn't know my username or password. See, I told you I was dumb!! I didn't realise that I had to put 'crazy' in front of my username to sign in, and then on top of that I wrote down the wrong password and so I was unable to log in!! How annoying!

It wasn't a complete waste of time though, I have learnt how to get sites approved and through my firewall, and how to have certain cookies approved, but none of that helped me with my problem.

As you can see, I know how to do it NOW....I suppose next time I try to do something like this, I should pay less attenttion how my page is going to look, and more attention on how to access it!!

Oh well, I'd better go, I'll chat again soon...

Bye for now....Naomi

Posted by crazy/nem1974 at 8:15 PM NZT
Updated: Saturday, 29 April 2006 5:30 PM NZT
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Monday, 17 April 2006
The Very First Entry
Mood:  lazy
Wow, how exciting this is supposed to be, it's just a shame I have nothing earth-shattering to say!! I suppose I could comment on how my Easter holidays are going - [pausing to allow the smart readers that have accidentally stumbled into this site to run away really fast] - nah, can't be bothered.

Anyways, I'll probably be back to bore you some more later, but until then please be nice, this is my first time at Blogging and I will probably take awhile to get the hang of it, as I am a bit of a slow learner.

Chat to ya later.....

Posted by crazy/nem1974 at 3:40 PM NZT
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