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My Work

My Favorite Web Sites


Hello, this part of of th site is for my stuff. stuff i have written/come up with/my drawings if i can get the picture thing to work. so enjoy.

G is for the great things we do on gospel road.
O is for the outstanding.
S service we do each day.
P is for the amazing people we meet.
E is for the energy that comes out of people not matter what time of the day or night it is.
L is for the life-long friends you make.
_ is for the spaces between each of us that we try not to think about and try to cross to see each other.
R is for the ridiculous things we do to make people smile.
O is for octopus because some of us are just so random.
A is for the amazing people we are around and the amazing things we do.
D is for the deep relationships you make.


Have You Ever Had a Teacher…

Have you ever had a teacher, a favorite teacher through out your whole school life? One that made sure you did well in every subject? One that made you want to come to school. One that actually taught you something because she/he made it fun to pay attention. I had a teacher like that, the best one in the world.

Anyone who had her would say the same thing. She was my fourth grade teacher and I will never have another one as good as her. I went to visit her once last year and three times the year before. This year however, I only saw her once. She looked completely different. I hate when they change how people look. You never recognize them and it makes you feel worse. I mean that is not the last image you want of the person.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t go but I know if I didn’t I would have regretted it. To my surprise I didn’t see many other students there who I knew (one to be exact) and it wasn’t even a school night; Sometimes people just p*** me off. I mean, they all say how she was their favorite teacher but barley any of them went to go see her. Why? I understand it would be hard for some of them but it was for me too but I went. I showed how much she meant to me.

Well, the next day at her Mass I almost cried but I didn’t. I didn’t want to. I knew if I started I wouldn’t have been able to stop. When her daughter started talking I thought I was going to but I stopped myself. When Fr. Curry stared crying during the Mass, I had one tear but that was the extent of it. After the Mass I went back to school because I needed to get my homework and books; I didn’t actually go to the cemetery, I felt it wasn’t really my place.

At school I felt really out of place. I felt horrible that I was so upset and just about everyone around me didn’t even know. I felt so alone. Today it is still hard for me to think about her but I guess it is good that I remember her. Well I have run out of things to say so I guess I am going to go. So Mrs. Varga, I will always remember what you taught me. You will be missed by all of your students. Keep an eye on me from up there. Good-bye.


The Roller Coaster

Ever go somewhere and meet such a great group of people that you want nothing more then to stay there?

Ever have to leave them and find yourself feeling so great some days and then all of a sudden feeling so depressed?

You feel so great because they are some of the best people you have ever met.

You feel you need to be with those people again but the fact is u may never see them again in your lifetime.

What you have to do is savor the moments you feel good and find someone to help you through the depressing times.

For that person may have been through it before and for all you know that person is just like the ones you have just left and has been there the whole time.

Keep those you met in you heart forever, but remember, you already have some right around the corner.



Dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen Comet, cupid, donder, blitzen

Little was the smallest one of the elves, which was why he was still there.

The reindeer where too tired to go back to get Santa, so Little decided to take Rudolph instead. He took off into the night thought to himself what a beautiful Christmas night.

He got to the house where Santa was and he saw in the window both Santa and Joe.

He went down the chimney just like a flash, but then he forgot that he was allergic to the ash.

He sneezed and he sneezed and he sneezed again, until Joe saw him sneeze once again.

Joe tried to run away, but Little caught him in his own trap. He ended up caught in his trap like a rat.

He untied Santa and went over to Joe. And asked him “Joe, why did you do something so…so low”. He said that he wanted a white Christmas this year more than anything else, but he didn’t get it.

Santa told him that that was no way to get what you want.

“I am sorry”, said Joe, “I didn’t mean to worry anyone.”

“That is ok”, said Little, “We forgive you”.

They had to finish delivering the toys.

And as they took off they said “Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night”.

And at that moment it started to snow.


I miss you, what else can I say

For some reason, that is how I feel today.

Why I wonder, I don’t quite know

But I love you so much, does it show?

You are and awesome friend, that is for sure

So don’t you ever think you can make my heart sore.

I love you so much, please understand

That if u are ever in trouble, look up and there is my hand

Just for you, no other person

I am promise, what ever the problem I will not worsen

For love you so much, that I would do anything for you

You should know this, you are a friend I hope I never lose

By: Keri Clinton