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Dear Parents/Guardians:


Welcome back to the spring semester of English II! This semester students will be studying Nonfiction, Poetry, and Humor. While classes will continue to read a variety of world literature and participate in academic rigor, students will also become increasingly more involved in the writing process; the combination of our literary analyses and writing assignments will also help students practice for, and do their best on, the TAKS tests in the coming months.


Following is a list of required materials for the spring semester. Should you have any difficulties in locating these materials, please let me know and/or check with Ms. Morgan, Parent Support Specialist, in the main office, as she may have access to extra school supplies.


  • College-ruled spiral (we will probably use two or more over the course of the semester)
  • Three-ring notebook/binder, 2”+ wide
  • Blue/Black Ink Pens & No. 2 Pencils
  • Sticky Notes (flag-tags, post-its, etc.)
  • Highlighters and/or markers or map colors
  • College-ruled notebook paper
  • Recommended: 5-tab dividers for the notebook; a sweater to wear in class


Additionally, a quick review of pertinent information, including tutoring hours, and discipline & grading policies, is included in this handout packet. Please take a few moments to read through the information and to discuss it with your student.


Just a reminder that every six weeks your student will have one six-week project assignment that s/he will need to work on outside of class, an agenda provided so that s/he may look ahead and plan for due dates, and at least one full page of extra credit opportunities in which s/he may complete. If you would like copies of these at any time, please feel free to ask your student (the information should always be in his/her notebook), check our class website, or contact me so that I might send extras home with your student.


Should you have questions at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to working with you and your student to encourage him/her on the road to success.



Ashley Robinson

LBJ High School

English II & Genre Studies

UIL: Ready Writing & Literary Criticism

Fiction to Film Club Sponsor
