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WhErEs ThAt DaMn CaN oF pInEaPpLe?..oh wait!...ThErE iT iS!..hooray!

WhErEs ThAt DaMn CaN oF pInEaPpLe?..oh wait!...ThErE iT iS!..hooray!

This page is all about poems and songs i have written over 3years!! you might not like them but oh wells hehe i didnt say i was good at it!! lol


Can you honestly say you care?,
As you give me that unloving empty stare.
Shatter my heart like a plate,
It seems the only thing sealed is my lonely fate!
Muffle the sounds of my cries into my pillow as I try to sleep,
The love you once gave me to fill my heart.. I will always keep.
Why do I feel guilty when i'm not even at fault?
It's like all your emotions are locked inside a vault!!

NOT ALLOWED TO BE ME!!(this ones kinda a song i made):

Scratch your hate filled fingers down my spine,
Laugh as I squeal like a blackboard as your fingers pierce the surface!
Stop placing the pressure on my shoulders,
My feet are slowly sinking below the ground...

I can’t take this weight (I cant take this weight)

Noone said I could cry,
I better wipe those tears away!
Noone said I could feel,
I better push these emotions away!
Noone said I could be me,
I better push the real me away!

Stop trying to me something I’m not!
I bang my fist on the table and ask where my smile has faded!
Am I expected to be happy all the time or do I get to be human too?
Take a number and wait in line to release your pain!

I can’t take this weight (I cant take this weight)

Noone said I could cry,
I better wipe those tears away!
Noone said I could feel,
I better push these emotions away!
Noone said I could be me,
I better push the real me away!

Take your ideas about me and throw them in the trash!
Forget what your heard about me and make up your own mind!!


Why do we all lie?
For some reason im the only one left to cry.
I'm sick of all these wasted tears,
Every drop carried my worst fears!
I want everything back the way it was before,
When everything wasn't behind a locked door!
Why do I let my heart ache?
When all you people have been to me is fake!!

TaKe The PeRsOnALiTy QuIz I CrEaTeD!

PaGE 2- DrAwInGs Of My FrIeNdS!

BaCk To tHe MaIn PaGe!

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