HEHEHEHE welcome to my funny photo page! hope u like it!
WhErEs ThAt DaMn CaN oF pInEaPpLe?..oh wait!...ThErE iT iS!..hooray!
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WhErEs ThAt DaMn CaN oF pInEaPpLe?..oh wait!...ThErE iT iS!..hooray!

HeRe iS sUm FuNnY PiCs!!!!:
hEy PpLz, This page is dedicated to makin ppl laugh.. well i found these photos funny.. but if u dont.. sorry dudes! but u just dont have my sense of humour! ner ner! (these pictures speak for themselves so i wont be writing bout em!)

Hope you found them as funny as me.. i would have added more but sum of them u need an iron stomach to handle!

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