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Mr. Brass

an adult Brazon dragon and caretaker of Lupes Private Villa. normally takes on the guise of an adult human male of tan skin when there are is compnay on the isle. He is very content on living here and has rejected many times the invation to be transported to anywere he wishes to go. Lupe considers him a trusted friend, probably the one fo the few that she does trust enough to watch over her daughter, Isabow, while she is away from her.

Like all Bronzen dragons, Mr Brass is inquistive, cheerful and generally good natured. He enjoys gifts of pearls, and has an arangement with Lupe herself that anything she pay him for is to be in pearls. He also enjoys good riddles and challenges. He, managed to keep his dragon nature hid, until Sinclair Whitewolf, paid a visit to his niece and finally informed her that this was the same man whom once had saved his life. Lupe has kept his true nature to herself.

He keeps the shark population down, as that and aquatic plants are his main stable of diet. But has no problem in defending the isle from sea creatures that are more hostile. And is not affaid of battle to defend those under his watch.

He has sectioned off part of the maze of caves below the isle as his home. With the main entrance into his area being underwater. If one was brave enough, or foolish enough to get into this area they would find a treasure that consist mostly of large pearls and a few other items that Lupe has asked him to protect.

Other Notes:
Young Adult
Scales are yellowish green
No tint on the edge of his flat smooth scales
Webbed Feet
Good Swimmer
Can breath and act freely underwater
Breath Weapons: Line of Lighting, Cone of Repulsion Gass
Can morph into small animals up to the size of an adult human man.

6'2" tall
210 lbs
Bronze skin tone
Black hair
Light green eyes
Smiles almost all the time
Good natured and inquistive.
Fiecely loyal to Lupe and crew.
Prefers to talk or trick his way out of combat, along with those he is protecting.