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Only You
Insane Wanderings
Thursday, 9 November 2006
Book 1 Chapter 2
Topic: Only You

Things you need to know:

Top Dogs = just a filler name untill I can find another (they are suppose to be the equivalent of Yakuzas) suggestions would be appresiated / *Thud* = the sound of someone jumping on a car / *cling* = not as loud as a clink lol

Meledia pushed the body over with the bat. It was limp and lifeless. Her eyes almost popped out of her skull. "Is he dead!?!?!...", she leans down to checks his heart beat, "No still breathing" she said pulling her head off his chest. She drags him to the passengers side. Opened the car door and throws him in. She gets in on the drivers side then buckled him into the car. She lays herself back and soon falls asleep again. (meanwhile) Lurking in the shadows the gang known as the Backallies. THe leader by the name of Donni was heavy set in the way that he was still strong, just loves to eat. He had jet black hair in a flat top shape, and dark brown eyes. He held himself in a way that said 'look at me wrong and I'll kill you.' and he probibly would. The rest of the gang was average punk material exept one. He was Donni's right hand man, no one knows why. He always wore a black roomy trench coat and was shorter than everyone else there. He usualy kept to himself and never talked to any one but Donni. He was the only one who was allowed to call the boss Donni. He had dark brown hair with one green eye and one blue. "What happened? Did you hear something? I told you we shouldn'tive come here. This place is cursed for guys like us Donni...", said Donni's right hand man. Donni glared at him. "Awe shudup. There's no such curse. Those stories were made up by baby's like you who couln't get a job done. Besides us backallies work for the Top Dogs 'n' they can handle anything, You creep." The top dogs were indeed tough. So tough infact that no one will call them by thier real name. Most people dont even know thier real name. They're feared and respected all over the world. "Where did Hito go? I can't see him, boss." Blured out a random ganster. "What!? Your right! Aww.. shit. Lets go find that punk. Probibly got lost or sumin'." ,Grummbled Donni. (Meanwhile) "Auuhhhhk. My head." Hito said grabbing his head, "Where..." Meledia slid on top of him before he could finish, a knife pressed up on his throut, her face an inch from his. "Who the are you and what the frak do you want?!", Meledia growled. "Ughi! Mmel...", he managed to choke out as blood trickled down his throut. Still trying to figure it out Meledia whispers sinisterly, "How do you know me?". "Sa sa sch oo. Samme clahhh..." Dispite almost dieing he was quite aroused. Meledia felt something and looked down. "Ewww, perv!", she jumped off him into her own seat. He covers himself with his jacket embaraceingly. Meledia uncomferably pulls her legs up to her chest and wraps her arms around them, not that it helped, "So your in my class..." eager to answer Hito responds, "Yeah you sit right behind me. I...", Over come by anger she gets over her disgust and lunges acrossed the seat pressing his throut up against the window, "So why were you trying to steal my bike?", she spits in his face. "Well I didn't know it was your bike.", he pointed out. , she thought as she sat back in her seat, "Oh, so if it was somebody elses b..." *cling* There was a slight noise out side. "Shit, I'll take care of this." He started to take off his seat belt. She Lunged and put the knife up to his throut again, "Your not going anywhere." *thud* on top of the car. Meledia looks like a trapped wild animal, terified and looking for a way out. Talking outside, "Isn't this the bike, boss?". Meledia was distracted long enough for Hito to sneek out of the car before she could grab him. He slams the door after him, leaving Meledia feeling helpless and annoyed. The gangsters now start to suround the car.

Posted by crazy/mayanatsume at 7:39 AM EST
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Book 1 Chapter 1
Topic: Only You

Things you need to know...

*crack* = lightning / = thought prosses / *wack* = sound of base ball bat against anything

Meledia just got off work. She's a young girl, looks about 17 (shes not) with a skinny frame. Her long light brown hair come to the tip of her tail bone. Her eyes are the color of the sea and shine with all it's intensity. She's tall with legs that look like they strech on for miles. Though all the beauty in the would could not bring her from her shyness, so she covers her face with her long hair. In the work locker room she changes back into her school clothes, from her work clothes (looks like a janitors uniform.). She pulls her blue skirt that is seems just a little to short over her hips and brushes it down. A white top with a blue bow in the front is pulled over her head. She tuggs the shirt down half way down the skirt and looks at her uniform, "I look like a sailor". She throws on her sneakers grabbs her jacket and walks outside. "Augk, I need washed.", she states as she smells her clothes. *crack* lightning then a down pour. "Well I do prefer showers." She looks up at the sky and lets the waterdrip down her face. *crack* a large church full of flowers and 2 lacey caskets facing all the pews. *crack* pews are suddenly filled with unfamiliar faces (meaning faces are all blacked out.) A girl with short light brown hair and icy eyes filled with tears stands at the door way to the church. She's wearing a slimly fit black dress poofy at the shoulders and skirt. It skirts out at the elbows. She walks up to the caskets before she could touch the closed caskets with her trembling hands she colapses on all fours. No one comes to her. *crack* "Are you ok? You really shouldn't be standing out here in this thunder storm.", said a strange woman. She had short dark hair and wore a power suit. , Meledia thought. "Oh, I'm fine." She slung her jacket over her shoulder and walks into the parking garage. There sat her car not to far from the enterance. It was blue, an ordanary color for a car, and faded with a bick rack on top. The bike rack held her most prized possesion, her bike. It wasn't a spactacular bike. "It may not be much but it does the job." She said outloud to herself. It is chained up so muchyou couldn't even see the lock. It looks as if you would need a sledge hammer to get it off the car. She walks up to her car, unlocks it, and climbs inside. The car's cluttered with clothes and trash, there is a cheap plastic basket in the back seat that is full of bath products. She reachs in the back and grabbs it. She walks with the basket in hand to a near by house. She goes right up to the storm drain. She cocks her dead to the side as she looks at it, and gives it one good kick. The storm drain breaks at the top and water sprays out. She pulls her rain soked top over her head, then drops it on the ground next to her. She slips out of her skirt and panties and trows them on top of her shirt. Reaching back behind her she undoes her bra and lets it drop ontop of the pile. She stands under the spraying water and sokes her hair. Reaching down for the luffa and soap the water pushes her hair over her head and into her face. She lathers up the luffa and scrubs herself as if she were a beauty queen. Holding out each appendege and stroking it with the luffa. She bent down and to take the shampoo and lathered her hair. After rinsing her hair, finaly clean she bent down and grabs her cloths. washing them and wringing them out one by one she cleans them then dresses in them. Wearing the soaking wet garments she walks back to the car. The rain stops just as she walks back to the parking garage. She climbs into her car. It was warm and relaxing. She turns around and grabbs a bag from the back. "Ahhh... dry clean clothes. Warmm...", She said with a slight smile on her face. She dresses in her car, then leans the seat back and turns on the radio. Laying back with her hands behind her head and listens, " And that bake sale is one of the best around. Hold on, this just in... 2 more students killed at SeaCliff High School tonight. 15 year old freshman Siana Rimes, and 17 year old softmore Jesse McFelson were beaten to death out side the school campus. Both Students were walking on different routes home from a late night study group held at campus on Thursday nights. Crime investigators have linked them to the 5 killings and 3 near deaths so far. Police wont say if they believe it is gang related. There seems to be no link between all the victoms..." *click* , thought Meledia yawning. She lays back in her seat more, pulls a blanket from the back and goes to sleep. 1/2 hour later... *soft clink* Meledia's eyes shoot open, she rips off the blanket, and grabbs the bat from the passenger side floor. The door flies open and out shoots Meledia. A young man around Meledia's age with spiked bloned hair and forest green eyes is on top of the car. He's talk and thin waring dark jeans and a black hoody. He looks as though he is trying to steal her bike. "What the hell are you doing?", she screams psycoticly. "Mele..." *wack* Before the boy could finish she smashes him in the head. He dropps to the floor. She hits him again, just in case. She wanders

Posted by crazy/mayanatsume at 7:37 AM EST
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