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Welcome to the Home page of Marion Fontaine !   

                Hear me welcome you to my site!   

     Scroll down or choose one of

the links below to learn more about me.        

    The beginning The Mountaineer Family & Friends Band
    Meet the family My photography
    My favorite thngs Relay for Life ©
    Things I collect Read my resume' to view my professional qualifications


The beginning -

I was born on July 19, 1967 in Webster, Massachusetts. I am the third child born to Pauline and Dana McKissick. My sister and brother were born ten and eleven years before I came along, respectively. Primarily due to that fact, there are no baby photos to be found of me. I grew up in Thompson, Connecticut and reside in the same town now.


                                                            Mom & Dad                           My brother Dana "Woody"               Me and my sister Darline "Linda"

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Meet the family -

My husband Jim and I were married July 31, 2004. To our marriage I brought my son, Jacob, from a previous marriage. Jim had three children from his previous marriage - Tanya, Jessica, and Christopher. To blend a blended family even more... we are adopting my deceased brother's children - Jesse, Pamela, and Raymond. Yes, you counted right -- SEVEN KIDS !!!!!  They range in age from 5 to 21. We had to buy a larger vehicle just so we all could go places together (except Tanya drives herself). All the kids get along as if they were all brothers and sisters from the beginning. People ask us how we do it ... we simply reply, "we just have to."

top to bottom/left to right:                                                 Tanya & Jim                                                                                   Jessica

Marion, Jim, Tanya (21), Jacob (13), Jessica (13),

Jesse (9), Christopher (9), Raymond (5), and Pamela (7)

                     Jacob & Christopher                                                      Jesse                                                              Pamela

            Raymond and Jacob                                      Our wedding day                                  Marion & Jim

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My favorite things -

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Things I collect -

I am an avid collector of angels. My entire living room is decorated with angel figurines and angel pictures. I also have a large collection of  Dreamsicles ®. I even have a photograph of my goddaughter dressed as an angel. My personal checks have angels on them and the saying, "I believe there are angels among us!" (A song by Alabama)

I also collect lighthouses and pictures of lighthouses. They are found in my computer room. You will see photos of lighthouses that I took in my photography section.  

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The Mountaineer Family & Friends Band -

My parents formed the original country band over 35 years ago. Today the band is three pieces and is made up of my sister Linda (an original member), our friend Tony, and myself (also an original member). The band members are members of The New England Country Music Club. Linda and I have been nominated two times for Duo of the year with The Massachusetts Country Music Awards Association. The band released a CD in 2004 called - A collection of songs.


Performing at Indian Ranch in Webster, Massachusetts     Tony Satalino -Lead & rhythm guitars. Vocalist   Linda Fitzgerald - Bass guitar & vocalist

Marion Fontaine - Drums and vocalist    Playing my brothers drum set (age approximately 3-4)   Singing on stage (age 6)

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My Photography -

Taking pictures is something I truly enjoy. Before digital camera's came along I have been known to snap rolls of 35mm film in a matter of minutes. Just give me a camera and I will find a lot to keep me occupied! My son grew up posing for Mom's pictures and as you can see the other children are learning too. One day I hope to have my own photography studio.

















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Relay for Life ® -

The American Cancer Society's Relay for Life ® is a 24 hour community fundraising event to fight cancer. In 1987 my father lost his fight against kidney cancer. On February 21,2000 my husband Ray Petrunia Jr. passed away from lung cancer that had metastasized to his brain. That year I formed a Relay for Life team called "Angel's in Heaven" in their memories. In 2003,when my brother was 47, he lost the fight with lung cancer... it had metastasized to his brain too. My family and I have lost many others to cancer - my grandmother, aunt, uncle, brother-in-law, and friends. It is my goal, along with my team mates, to raise enough cancer awareness and money for research to take the word "cancer" out of the dictionary! In 2005 the entire N.E.C.T. Relay for Life raised over $560,000! The goal this year is to surpass that!


 "Woody" at 47 just before he passes away                My husband Ray before he was diagnosed with cancer          Relay for Life balloons


My band performance at Relay for Life ®                   Pamela before donating her hair to locks of love          Pamela's brave donation in process


Pamela's smile shows how proud she was to help someone with cancer. Locks of love made a wig for a child cancer victim from Pamela's hair. I am very proud of her.


Luminary bags for the evening luminary ceremony at Relay for Life. A moving ceremony - candles are lit inside the bags that remember those lost to cancer and honor the survivors. I am the N.E.C.T.  Relay for Life Volunteer Luminary Chairperson for the third year consecutively this year.

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Read my resume' to view my professional qualifications-

Go to my resume'

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This web page is owned by Marion Fontaine

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