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maggies blog
Friday, 9 June 2006
Mood:  hungry
hi everyone how are you doing i am doing great i only have 7 days of school left and its the best days ever well nothings happening i will write later.

Posted by crazy/magicgirl at 3:04 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 6 June 2006
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: music
oops i am really sorry i havent been updating anything lately. you see i am still in school and i didnt have lots of time. well anyways my friends have been bugging me alot today because people say that today is the devils birth day because the movie omen is comming out today and today is 6/6/06.and thats the devils birthday they bugged me alot but they cant scare this girl today they also told me that soposivly at 6 oclock today he is going to come but i am not so scared my friend jenesis is freaked out by this she said she was going to die but we calmed her down i am going to call her and scare her by saying scary stuff well all you people that belive in the devil be really careful and if your not well i dont know naw im just playing with yall dont go see the movie the movie omen if you get scared easily and if you dont get scared easily its your choice to make.well thats all for know i will write later if i even get a chance not because its the devils birthday i might be shopping i hope i didnt scare you all bye bye crazy/magicgirl

Posted by crazy/magicgirl at 3:09 PM EDT
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Friday, 2 June 2006
Mood:  party time!
hi people you probably are wondering why i am having all these parties well today i am going to a slumber party so you wont hear from me much well all of you that watch disney channel today is the new episode of the suite life of zack and cody.they are all swithcing should all watch it well goodbye for now.bye bye magicgirl

Posted by crazy/magicgirl at 5:11 PM EDT
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Thursday, 1 June 2006
Mood:  party time!
hi my people how are you dong i know its late but again i am having a party and the life of the party is a 3 month baby named rodrigo well thats all for know good night magicgirl

Posted by crazy/magicgirl at 10:31 PM EDT
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Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: music
hi people how are you doing i am doing like i told you before we had the debate about who was going to be president and vice president of the class.well today the canidates went up and had to read a speech they then it was time for the voting we dont know who are the people that are going to be president or vice president of our there are two presidents and two vice presidents and on monday we have to vote again to see who the acual president and vice president are going to be i voted for willis and devon.willis is runnig for president and devon for vice president well thats all for know i am chating with my cosins bye bye.

Posted by crazy/magicgirl at 4:13 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 31 May 2006
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: music
hi everyone its me magicgirl i just wanted to inform you all that i just put out my profile so you guys can see what i like to do and where i live well i hope you are all cheaking my site out bye bye magicgirl.

Posted by crazy/magicgirl at 5:57 PM EDT
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Mood:  chatty
hi i just sent a blog and i am just writing to make sure this gets in but probably its already in well today is really hot outside.well anyways i invited my friend to sleep over this saturday and my other friend ask her too.she has to make a disision and she already went to sleep over at her house before and never mine i hope she picks to come to my house well bye bye.

Posted by crazy/magicgirl at 3:18 PM EDT
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im back
Mood:  flirty
hi people it me magicgirl and i am back from school i feel good today because we had a campaign to see who would be class president and vice president i am not running for any of those but i am a campaign manager i help make the posters you see i am helping out someone and he thinks that i am voting for him but i am voting for someone else i am mean like that well now i am at home drinking orange juice and eating doritos well write to u later bye bye.

Posted by crazy/magicgirl at 3:13 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 30 May 2006
im tired
Mood:  lazy
hi people its past 12 oclock in the morning it is so late and i am bored and because im bored im getting tired well i am still at the party but it is so boring help no im just kidding good night.

Posted by crazy/magicgirl at 10:50 PM EDT
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im sorry
Mood:  accident prone
im really sorry i accidently sent the same blog at the same time because i thought that i didnt sent the one before the new one i know its confusing so sorry read my blogs.and some of you might know me as crazy/magicgirl but my real name is magali delgado and yes i am a girl.well hope some of you write to me if it is possible bye bye

Posted by crazy/magicgirl at 8:07 PM EDT
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