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> Anime_Butterfly Website

This is the official website for Anime_Bytterfly Guild. It is run only by Niki, ditasan (for now), so pleas send all questions or comments about the website to her at, or on neomail. Thank you for bing a member of the guild!

Well I added a userlookup site.. hope you like it.. it will come more soon... if you have any wiches just ask.. neomail me, Ditasan.

The 2. council spot is still open So in othere to get it you NEED: html, skills, webpages skills,(drwaing skills) You have to join contests, donate, requte members and so on You have to gain my trust, and I need prof of your html skills and webpageskils Neomail me, or msn me

I guess people is starting to wonder when I am going to give out the 2. councile spot, well I am wondering to. Oki it will Be very soon, I hope, and I will Make a subecounsil to. So hold on..

Ditasan =^_^=
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