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Brown Pride

This is me and thanks for checking out my web


I dedicate this website to a lot of people. First of all my family who has helped me thru the good times and the bad times. They have never let me down and they will always be there when ever I need them. To my real friends who would never turn their backs on and will always have my back. You guys have been there when the times get tough. Whenever you guys need help call me and I'll be there. You guys know who you are. To all my teachers who have helped me to be where I am today. I will never forget the people who have helped me. To all the people whose name was not mentioned please don't feel offended. The reason your name is not here is because you did something so special I can't thank you enough.

Thanks Everybody

12St. Sharkeys
This is me and Da Homie Minor!
Death Syco 2Face
This is the Homie Syco he died last year on a car accident. And i just want him to know that we'll never forget him.

R.I.P. Homie

I like to think of my-self as 2face. One minute i'll be happy and laughin but the next minute i'll be mad or cryin.


Homies Banner
If you would like to leave a comment or send me a message you can E-mail me! Just don't be going around and disrespecting me, my family and the homies . . . L8RZ