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Here are some questions you may ask me:

What is this site all about?: Well, this site is for basic website owners who want to advertise their websites for free. I am planning to get a lot of people to join this. You can browse thru and find a website that fits your needs.

Why did you want to do this?: Well, before I had my own website and I wanted to put it up in a website like this one but got turned down so I decided to make my own..and a better one XD..sorry!

How much websites can you have?: Maybe about 150-300 websites. I am only a kid and it may be hard to handle millions and millions. I will check if the website hasn't been updated in like 3 months then I'll delete it. That's all! Maybe I'll even have an attatchment website.

Do you just randomly pick websites to be put in here?: No. Well, if I like it then I will ask the masters if I can do so. I don't do that..sorry! Plus it's too much time.

What are some of the reasons that you turn down websites?: Stolen images, stolen info, boring, no colors, cheap, know what I mean.

Can I help?: Only if I need it..sorry hun!

Will you ever change the layout?:'s too hard to change it when I have a lot on my plate. And, I have too much to look at, see, ect.

Want to ask me a question? Go to the home section and ask your questions. Don't be shy!! Even im me..

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