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Kinda weird.....Ok Ok...Its really weird(but i cant help that)

Monday, 11 December 2006

It's Time
There stood four People. They stood straight, silently and motionless. It was dark. There were other People there as well However they where different. They did not stand straight. They were not silent and they where not motionless. For they where screaming, yelling, talking, and jumping. Still four people stood straight, motionless and completely silent. They where waiting. Waiting for the signal. That one little signal to start. There was a little red light Approximately 12 ft in front of them. It suddenly blinked; it blinked once, then twice, than a third time, and now it blinked a fourth time. This was it. This was the time. It had only one more blink to go and everything would change. Wait! The light it blinked. Everything went crazy. There was blinding lights. Everyone screamed louder than ever but then there was a new sound. It was a high-pitched cry. Another soon joined it. Then started a deep rhythmic thumping; then a crash. This was it. This is the beginning of an amazing sight, sound and time. For we are standing back stage watching the opening of an awesome concert at the “Mike Near, House of music”. In addition, tonight it was “a packed house of music”. There were some 8 thousand people sitting, sanding and jumping. All here for one reason. That is to listen to the best band of the time. When that light blinked the last time, they started out a night of music. Lights swinging, flashing and blinking. They burst in to there first song. This was the first time that they had ever played in front of so many people. They loved it: Every second of it. From the day they started they loved it and it seemed every concert they did they loved it even more. They played hard songs, soft songs, old songs and new songs. Then they said goodbye. Every one left. Then the bands stuff was packed up and they moved on and they stood straight, silently and motionless once more.

Zee End

Posted by crazy/lilme at 4:46 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 11 December 2006 4:50 PM EST
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Sunday, 3 December 2006

Gum...Its BAD for you
Mood:  not sure
It was A dark cold night. Rain fell down in a dim lit passage way. This wasn't just any old passage way, It was The passage way. For someone walking by it would have just looked like any other old Dark, damp and empty passageway. But it wasn't if you looked really hard. If you looked really hard in to the darkness you could see that it was not at all empty. If you looked really hard you could see a little bundle laying in a corner. You could not tell what it was. It was night, and very dark. But then, the moon showed it's Shining face and cast a Dim lit light across the heap laying in the corner. It was a strange site. The bundle was made up of old red checkered bed sheets. There was a holey garbage bag over some of it to shelter it from the rain. As I stood there the bundle of rags moved. A hand slowly came out tried to pull the red checkered sheet just a little tighter. What this Cold, Wet and bundle was doing here I had no idea. Then I saw it, The thought hit me Like a load of bricks...What i saw made me understand. Just with in arms reach of the bundle it sat, in its glory and in it's pain, It shone...A loney pack of GUM...

OK Yes I realize the title may be a little misleading but thats just the way life is sometimes... This disturbing report is called "The gum addict" This is not a true story but simply a vision(of mine) that is of the future. --->Beware it is about to hit. And when it does...we won’t even know what hit us. And It’ll hit soon. Sure everyone knows that If you do drugs or smoke your Most likely going to and very endangered of getting addicted. But gum no ones going
To be expecting it. But just like drug addicts All the people will do is try to get more and get that one last fix. They’ll spend All there money on what?? On gum. Why?? Because there addicted to it. Just like in that vision of mine...We’ll all end up sitting in a wet, damp and rainy passageway. It’s the new plan. A Plan To TAKE over the WORLD.
No one knows WHY.
No one knows WHO.
And no one knows WHEN...


-->No information was researched and I take responsibility For nothing that has to do with anything that is read on this site. This article is not to be redistributed or republished And is for amusement purpose ONLY.<--
Oh and yea sorry bout the adds...There not mine they come with the website

Posted by crazy/lilme at 4:41 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 4 December 2006 12:43 PM EST
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