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Human Papilloma Virus (Genital Warts)

The Main Points About HPV

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Human Papilloma Virus
Rick Sowadsky

What is H.P.V?

Human Papilloma Virus, is avirus that causes genital warts.This disease is spread by coming in contact with the genital warts, but often the warts can't be seen. Over 70 types of HPV cause invisible infections, warts, or flat lesions in the genital area. HPV usually spreads during sexual contact with an infected partner, male or female.Some HPV- causes lesions on the cervix are associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer.

Who Does it Affect?

HPV is a non discriminatory disease. It affects both men and women. In men, warts occur on the head of the penis, often the under the foreskin, on the shaft of the penis, or occasionally on the scrotum. In women, warts occur on the labia, on the vulva, inside the vagina, on the cervix, or around the anus, where they can be mistaken for hemorroids.

What is the Diagnosis and Treatment?

Diagnosis of warts is usually made visually, on clinical examination. An abnormal Pap smear may indicate the presence of HPV, and a colposcopy, which uses magnificationto examine the vagina and cervix, will usually be done to look for warts and lesions.Warts can be removed in a number of ways. Trichloracetic acid, it works on first contact with the skin and then stops in about five minutes, reducing the danger of scarring.Another method of removal is Cryotherapy(freezing)can remove small warts. This hurts briefly and sometimes causes scarring.


No matter what treatment you get, it is important to remove warts to reduce the spreading of the virus.However warts may reappear after any treatment, and you may need them removed more than once. HPV is highly contagious. The best way to prevent HPV infection and the warts it causes is to use barrier methods when you have sex involving genital contact. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!
