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Working Bibliography Bunge, Nancy L. Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Study of the Short Fiction. New York: Maxwell Macmillan, 1993. Campbell, Harry M. “Freudianism, American Romanticism, and ‘Young Goodman Brown.’” CEA Critic 33 3 (1971): 3-6. Cifelli, Edward M. “Typology: A New Ambiguity in ‘Young Goodman Brown.’” CEA Critic 41 3 (1979): 16-17. Cook, Reginal. “The Forest of Goodman Brown’s Night: A Reading of Hawthorne’s ‘Young Goodman Brown.’” New England Quarterly 43 (1970): 473-81. Ensor, Alliso. “’Whispers of the Bad Angel’: A Scarlet Letter Passage as a Commentary on Hawthorne’s ‘Young Goodman Brown.’” Studies in Short Stories 7 (1970): 467-69. Feidelson Jr., Charles. “Hawthorne as Symbolist.” Hawthorne. New Jersey, 1966. Fogle, Richard Harter. “Hawthorne’s fiction: the light & the dark.” Norman, U of Oklahoma P, 1952. Franklin, Benjamin V. “Goodman Brown and the Puritan Catechism.” ESQ 40 (1994): 66-88. Gallagher, Edward J. “The Concluding Paragraph of ‘Young Goodman Brown.’” Studies in Short Stories 12 (1975): 29-30. Hardt, John S. “Doubts in the American Garden: Three Cases of Paradisal Skepticism.” Studies in Short Fiction 25 (1988): 249-59. Harmsel, Henrietta T. “‘Young Goodman Brown’ and ‘The Enormous Radio.’” Studies in Short Stories 9 (1972): 407-08. Hollinger, Karen. “‘Young Goodman Brown’: Hawthorne’s ‘Devil in Manuscript’”: A Rebuttal. Studies in Short Fiction 19 (1982): 381-384. Hostler, Norman H. "Narrative Structure and Theme in "Young Goodman Brown." Journal of Narrative Technique 12 (1982): 221-28. Johnson, Claudia D. The Productive Tension of Hawthorn’s Art. The U of Alabama P, 1981. Johnson, Claudia G. “‘Young Goodman Brown’ and Puritan Justification.” Studies in Short Fiction. U of Alabama, 1941. Lang, H. J. “How Ambiguous Is Hawthorne?” Hawthorne, New Jersey, 1966. Leavy, Barbara Fass. “Faith’s Incubus: The Influence of Sir Walter Scott’s Folklore on ‘Young Goodman Brown.’” Dickens Studies Annual 18 (1989): 277-308. Levin, Harry. The Power of Blackness. New York: Vintage, 1960. Luedtke, Luther S. Nathaniel Hawthorne and the Romance of the Orient. Indiana U P, 1989. Male, Roy R. Hawthorne’s Tragic Vision. New York, Norton, 1964. Mathews, James W. “Antinomianism in ‘Young Goodman Brown.’” Studies in Short Stories 3 (1965-1966): 73-75. Moore, Harry T. Nathaniel Hawthorne: Identity and Knowledge. Carbondale, Southern Illinois P, 1967. Newman, Lea Bertani Vozar. A Readers Guide to the Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne / Lea Bertani Vozar Newman. Boston: Hall, 1979. Schubert, Leland. “Hawthorne, the Artist; Fine-Art Devices in Fiction.” New York, Russell, 1963. Shear, Walter. “Cultural Fate and Social Freedom in Three American Short Stories.” Studies in Short Fiction 29 (1992): 543-49. Stubbs, John Caldwell. The Pursuit of Form: A Study of Hawthorne and the Romance. U of Illinois P, 1970. Williamson, James L. “”Young Goodman Brown””: Hawthorne’s “Devil in Manuscript.” Studies in Short Stories 18 (1981): 155-62. Winslow, Joan D. “The Stranger Within: Two Stories By Oates and Hawthorne.” Studies in Short Stories 17 (1980): 263-68. “‘Young Goodman Brown’ by Nathaniel Hawthorne.” Literature and its Times: Profiles of 300 Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events that Influenced Them. Ed. Joyce Moss and George Wilson. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1997. 420-26. ----------------------------------------------------- Mark Allen Bolten PEGA 1272.02 25 April 2003 Steriods Negative Effects People that do need steriods will take them anyways to improve their athletic performance or their physical appearance. Doing so risks their health and will most likely change something in the users body that is not intended to change??????? The drug has positive and negative effects. The bad side effects excede the good. Steriods make a persons body grow rapidly, but the side effects will most likely do damage to the user. The use of steriods at any point in ones life has negative effects in high school athletes occurs more often than one assumes. The use of steriods at any point in ones life has negative effects, although taking steriods at a young age causes greater health risks and stunts growth. "Anabolic steriods are synthetic deratives of the male hormone testosterone. The full name is androgenic (promoting masculine characteristics) anabolic (building) steriods (the class of drugs)."(219) "For men- shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts."(220) The appearance of the males body who takes steriods will look better than before, but he will risk his health for quick results in looks. The side effects for men do not look nice. "For women-growth of facial hair, changes in cessation of the menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris, deepend voice."(220) The side effects for women look unpleasant also. The steriods make a woman into more of a man. "For adolescents-growth halted prematurely through premature skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty changes."(220) Steriods have the worst side effects on adolescents. Many adolescents in high school have taken or take steriods to increase the bodys performance or phiysical fitness. People should not take steriods unless their doctor prescribes them the drug. Even then the patient still has the chance of reacting to the drug negatively. Steriods used correctly as a form of medication has uses. Although abusing steriods has high risks and may cost a life.