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Get Into My Head

Welcome to my webpage!
The main purpose behind my page is to showcase the collection of inspirations that gets me through those long, unbearable, and even hearaching days of life.
So look around and enjoy yourself in the world of ... ME!

In the mean time-
You're visiting my page...and my name happens to be Kayla! I'm currently coming to the end of my second year here at Central Michigan University in lil ol' Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. I'm studying to be an Athletic Trainer with a minor in Athletic Coaching. At Central, I'm intensely involved in many student organizations, I hold a job, and do observations hours for my major...on top of going to class and studying for hours upon hours. Even though I'm involved in so many things and rarely have free time...I spend a better part of my time with my Best Friend Ali! You should check out her page

~Check It Out~

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