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~*Katrinas World*~

Tuesday, 8 August 2006

Hi People...
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Pantera- Cowboys From Hell
Well,I did not have to go to the pool today which is so awesome cause I stayed up ALL night and day long!!Iam so bored right now.Oh,Mom and me went to town today and I got another outfit...Iam stackin up on clothes!lol.Anyways I dont feel like written anymore so PEACE OUT!

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 3:11 AM EDT
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Monday, 7 August 2006

Hello everyone...
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: AC/DC- TNT
I feel so bad right now...Iam tired.Make things even better,I have to be up and ready at 12 today to go to the pool with mom and some friends.Don't get me wrong,I wanna go to the pool its just Ive been up all night.I need to go to bed but Iam chattin with a new friend online.I can't wait till Kayla gets back today!Shes been gone all weekend...She went to Dolly-Wood.I got to go skating with my so called boyfriend.He was all over me...It kinda gets annoying sometimes.I love him tho...Even tho he makes me so fuckin mad sometimes!!!Mom is thinking of getting a house...So thats awesome...Hopefully well get it by this cummin weekend.Anyways Iam runnin outa things to type so see ya!!!

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 7:01 AM EDT
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Saturday, 15 July 2006

Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Linkin Park- Papercut
Hello people.MY LIFE SUCKS!!!It only took a couple of weeks for my whole damn life to go to HELL!!!!My own dad said to my face he did not want me,and did not care about me.A extremly close friend asked me to marry him...I dont even know what to say.Iam seriously thinking about running away for a lil bit...But mom would hate me for that...GOD,I wish I could talk to my sister right now,Lisa.Shes my big sis...Shes been thru all this Bullshit..Bad thing is that she lives so far away from me.Maybe Sunday Ill get to speak to her.Iam so freakin stressed right now...I hurt my ankle really bad,and I HAVE to skate Saturday night...I wish I could get away from this Bullshit,but I dont have any where to go...GOD,this sucks ass..OH.....Dana,thanks for freakin telling on me for hanging out with some of my buddies....Ill get you back.Just wait till I see you next.Dana,WHY did you tell?What in the world did I do to you,huh?I cant even trust my own cousin...Damn.Thats pretty bad.Just wait,Ill tell your mom and dad about what happend when we went'll be in so much shit.You fucking bitch..Thats it Iam out.PEACE...

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 3:53 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 15 July 2006 3:56 AM EDT
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Friday, 23 June 2006

Damn What A Day....
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Linkin Park-ByMyself
Today was ok I guess...very long tho..I went swimming over at Bear Paw Resort with one of my friends...LOL I think I went under to many times opening my eyes...I can barely eyes are glossed over..DAMN it hurts!!Lol my fault tho..Anyways Iam half asleep here so SEE YA!

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 4:21 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 21 June 2006

Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Black Eyed Peas-My Humps (remix) day has went ok i guess...Iam sore and tired tho.I wont say why I think ill be gone for the next couple days..So I wont be writein..heh..I know ive not been tho..sorry family,friends.Anyways iam tired and chattin with some friends right now so gotta go SEE YA!!

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 12:34 AM EDT
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Monday, 12 June 2006

Mood:  happy
Now Playing: AC/DC-Thunder Struck
Hey everyone...Iam back for like a day or so!Camping was ok but I had to deal with kids..But I had a pretty good time,got a good tan.Anyways Iam tired and I got things to do later on today so SEE YA...

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 6:06 AM EDT
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Sunday, 4 June 2006

Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Aerosmith-Angel
Well tomorrow Iam going camping so this is Bye for a little while..Oh well.Iam wakeing up at 4:30 AM so yea lol only like one hour and 30 mins away lol but Iam gonna go get my bike at around 5:00 AM.Iam kinda sorta excited about going camping...Heh.Anyways I guess Iam gonna go and try to lay down and sleep for a little while at least!So SEE YA till next time..

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 3:01 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 31 May 2006

Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Aerosmith-Cryin'
Well the pool opened and I went swimming..Had fun and got sun ill turn brown tommorow!!Iam almost complete Cherokee Indian.So ya ill be just brown...On Sunday were goin camping....Iam a lil depressed..I dunno even why.Weird..Anyways iam having fun listening to music so SEE YA!!

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 3:02 AM EDT
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Saturday, 27 May 2006

Had A Long Day....
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: 3 Doors-Here Without you
Well Ive had a good,but long day..I went Roller Skating..Had a great time..But oh did I feel so lonely...It sucked.I wish I had someone...Maybe one day my wish will come true.The pool over at The Resort opens on Monday!Iam goin swimming all that week...Iam getting depressed so ya SEE YA!!

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 12:24 AM EDT
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Thursday, 25 May 2006

Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Soil-The Last Chance
Iam bored...Hungry...And tired.Also pretty lonely...Oh well!There is NOTHING to do...So with that said..Iam gonna go and eat lol Iam hungry as can be!Anyways,for now,SEE YA!

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 12:27 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 24 May 2006

Kinda sad...
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Soil-True Self
I cant stop listeing to Soil...Tho somehow it makes me a little sad...I feel lonely.Wow..I knew I was Bipolar but never knew how fast I could change moods...I was pretty happy like two mins ago..Now Iam sad almost into tears..This sucks.Iam gonna go watch a DVD..Maybe I can get my mind off of everything..SEE YA!

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 10:43 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 May 2006 10:44 PM EDT
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Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Soil-Forever Dead
I had a great day today.I went to town with mom as always..Shes a nurse....She works at other elderly peoples houses!She goes to town like every single day!!Ive been taking short walks to the barn right below my house..Its peaceful down there..Anyways,Mom said she was gonna get me a trick bike before we go camping...I kinda grew outa my pink bike LOL!!Iam STILL so excited about going camping!I get to take a break and just chill with my cousins and some family..get to go swimming..take bike rides..go on walks..Its AWESOME!!!Still single...Sucks,I dont like to be single..Except sometimes lol!Moms at work right now..Just me Grandma and Grandpa..Also Daisy...Shes my little dog...Love her to death,shes SO CUTE!!!LOL!I think were taking her camping,hopefully!Cant live without my Daisy..Lol..Anyways I gotta get offline gotta use the phone!SEE YA!

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 3:37 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 May 2006 3:57 PM EDT
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Not Sleepy....
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Soil-True Self
Omg...I dont even feel one bit sleepy!This is so annoying.Iam also getting a little depressed!I really dont feel like talking to what few of my friends that are online right now lol!!I think ive gotta semi busy day tomorrow..So here soon Iam gonna have to try and get some sleep.I really dont know but Iam really starting to feel lonely and sad...I dont like this feeling one bit lol!Well...Just found out my friend dont even wanna talk to me..Right when I signed in he left!OMG..that kinda hurts...Oh well,hes not the first who does not wanna talk to me.I need better friends.Well,Iam depressed and mad...So SEE YA!

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 4:20 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 May 2006 4:47 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 23 May 2006

Mood:  silly
Now Playing: Soil-Fight For Life
Iam so hyper...I get hyper when I drink energy drinks (DUH sorry) I cant wait to go camping with my two favorite cousins in a week or so!I love all my cousins but there closer to my age!Iam so excited!!!Anyways I went to walmart today and got a new CD Soil-True Self,THERE AWESOME!!!I rented a DVD yesturday from Lakeside (a store) and I have not watched it yet....What can I say I forgot.Oh if you have not already figured it out,Iam a mayjor DVD freak lol!!ok well SEE YA!

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 6:16 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 23 May 2006 6:24 PM EDT
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Cant Sleep
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Metallica-Sad But True
I think I drank to much I cannot go to sleep,and there is nothing to do.All my buddies are offline...*rolls eyes* I guess ill go and watch another stupid DVD....SEE YA!

Posted by ~*Katrina*~ at 5:02 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 23 May 2006 5:02 AM EDT
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