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Saturday, October 12, 2003
Today was exam day for philo. Paul and I took it at 4, and it's amazing that ppl actually came to UBC to take it on a sunday. I did alright..80 something..not good enough, but wut can i do rite!? We studied for 3 hours before, and looking out at the rainy day. *sigh* Before we were leaving, we just chilled and went crazy taking pix. Haha, it was fun.

Saturday, October 11, 2003
I have a huge window facing outside in my room, and it's rainning heavily. I can't help but notice it, because of my big window. And it's playing with my emotions....

Friday, October 10, 2003
Tuesday, October 7, 2003
Prof 今天好凶! 每个迟到的人都被骂. Lesson: Never Be Late in da Future! 下课了我就跟Tom走到SUB去找Johnny. 看见Paul了.
那个人真是的, 今天都不应该来上课, 他还从DELTA 来. Hand in lab 就可以走了,还在UBC晃, 他还想等到4pm for 30 mins of Phil Class..-_- So waste of time la!
O well, so we talked and waited for Johnny to show up, and when he did, we all were jus talking for about an hour and also saw Jacky. Then Johnny left,我跟Jacky said bye, 就跟Paul去找他的朋友在Wood 1.
那个教室好lame!!! No teacher and there's a audio tape or something that's talking. So stupid! No one's gonna show up la!
Anyways, after i went home and took a nap and showered and went back to UBC for phil class. 我先到SUB又去找Paul了, 所以可以一起上课, 在那看到XH了. 就去上课了. So stupid class, everyone started leaving in like 30 mins and only me and melanie were left la..*shrug*

Monday, October 6, 2003
今天的雨好大耶, 我下了课就跑到SUB躲雨. 可能可以看见认识的人, 以为很多人多下课了. After walking around i saw Gary and Rob, 他们到ARCADE 玩, 我就跟XH打电话找他, 可是他正在做lab...oops, 我就问他Paul's # instead, and called him. 他还没回家.
So I found him and went to arcade and played CS (I HAVEN'T TOUCHED THAT GAME FOR MORE THAN 6 MONTHS) We were playing 1-on-1 at first. 我的kills 都是 100% HEADSHOTS! *sweet!* Then ppl joined the server, and i switched teams. 我们输了, so I typed a msg that said "girls vs. guys is not fair". 把他当做女生了..hehehe..I made him look bad by saying he was a GIRL!! 他差点儿把我杀了!
HAHAHA Why is he having so much bad luck today. 我们中午break 看见了一个"gay" ugly guy dresses/moves like a gay/female. 我就跟他讲, 然后他就不停的看, 哎哟! We had a great laf over it. He's encoutering too much odd-sexual events todai!
So ya, after CS, I walked him to the bus stop and waited for his bus to come, and when it did, i left and RAN INTO ISLA!!! We had a chat and I had to let her go on the but too. So that's my day, even tho it started out tiring, and it ended up being raining it had been fun and filled with warmth!(Coz i fed hungary birds and squerriels on the way home, i gave them mi bar which was supposed t be my lunch~) ^^ I just had a nice nap and waking up all energetic now! Study Study!!!

Friday September 19th, 2003

OMG..今天的NTG's icebreaker 真是太INTENSE 了. 200+ 人都在 一个游戏为了认识新人 在加上有机会赢2只手机. 到后来人都发疯了为一只手机, 把自己的reputation totally ruined..-_- 在地上滚来滚去, 又拥抱又接吻...(还有1队舌吻..可以在gross 一点吗?!?!? ><) 刚刚认识的人就这样, 是不是太过份了...
哎! 反正他们愿意就随便吧. 我就好好的看了一晚的帅哥!!!

Changed hair, tired of long and boring..added bangz & parted at the side..still looks the same, ion wanna tie it up anymore...><

ENERGY - 某年某月某一天
干干净净的天 风景在后退
空荡荡的车厢里 你的脸轻靠着我的肩 安心的睡了
如果什么都会变 爱能不能例外
想承担这样甜蜜的重量 守着你到终点

虽然我还不知道 到达幸福最快速的路线
虽然我不能解释 但时间终于会证明一切 babe

爱到某年某月某一天 直到我微笑的闭上眼
闪过心里最后的画面 还是蓝天里的你
爱到某年某月某一天 渴望一直守护一个人的感觉
让我邀请你 一起去看一看永远

浮浮沉沉的心 有多少试炼
只希望我的怀里 是一个没有风没有雨小小的世界
如果什么都会变 爱一定能例外
在你和我和天空的面前 许下一个预言

虽然我还不知道 到达幸福最快速的路线
虽然我不能解释 但时间终于会证明一切 babe

爱到某年某月某一天 直到我微笑的闭上眼
闪过心里最后的画面 还是蓝天里的你
爱到某年某月某一天 渴望一直守护一个人的感觉
让我邀请你 一起去看一看永远

短短的旅程 长长的一辈子
从此你的每一天 都让爱 都让我 陪着你一起走
无论最后是什么时候 一直到我们都走不动
爱上了一个人 不再是一人 紧紧牵着你的手

爱到某年某月某一天 直到我微笑的闭上眼
闪过心里最后的画面 还是蓝天里的你
爱到某年某月某一天 渴望一直守护一个人的感觉
让我邀请你 一起去看看永远


^^ To all my be-loved friends!

Pictures!! & COMMENTS!!

Kittieli & Paul taking a break from studying philo on a rainy sunday..sad sad...No looking at camera :P

Kittieli & Paul a betta pictura, PHILO TEST, HERE WE COME!

Peetee & Kittieli har har! Computa named after him. Ditched 4 Langara..|_|
Beez & Kittieli 在海滩看烟火. (不只是我们俩..Phew)
Kittieli & dizzygurl 我18岁生日!!
Kittieli & Age..Go-Karting!
Age, Kittieli, & Shanghaisk 的生日parti!
Age 生日 好多人耶!!

毕业了!!! Snowbebee, Kittieli, & Yoyoma! 毕业典礼 Yoyoma 好得以. 嘻嘻. Yoyoma, Kittieli, Jo, Snowbebee 还没开始 好紧张. >< Studio Style... 哈哈好臭美..
四个大王 王王在上..四女强人 强强在边 哈哈 最新Charlie's 天使!!
第二蠢 comment...
第三张.. 发“bao" 气 指天上
5个好友 6年没相遇 终於又在一起了
*哈哈大笑* 卡拉OK IDOL. :P
背对背 好舒服
毕业茶 最后一次..不要哭泣
Prom 那夜晚 真是个好的回忆..想回到过去.
Jo2e6y, Kittieli, Blaze 一起..好好珍惜这张相片.



我的Schedule!! 一点都不好!!! 太多的breaks! 好难耶..
嘻嘻 我的phil class 有好多hotties! 1.5 小时慢慢的看. ^^

Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri
9-10 Econ Tutor (Buch B) 9:30-11 Econ (Forestry) 10 -11 Math (LSK) 9:30-11 Econ (Forestry) 10 -11 Math (LSK)
10 -11 Math (LSK) 4 - 5:30 Phil (Hebb) 1 - 2 English (Buch B) 4 - 5:30 Phil (Hebb) 1 - 2 English (Buch B)
1 - 2 English (Buch B) 7-10(pm) Chinese (Buch B)