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eWe singles record: 10-3

eWe tag record: 0-0

Next Match

Jason Kash(c) vs Batista
@ War 8/30/06
*World Heavyweight Title Match*


August 30, 2006

Guess Who's Back...

The Franchise
Ja$on Ka$h

Career Title History

Undisputed {2}

World Heavyweight {5}

Tag Team {1}

"...And I've got nothing to prove
Your threats I find absurd
I am your hell......"

Caree Title History

European {1}

Extreme {1}


August 27, 2006 - At Summer Slam this past Sunday Jason Kash defeated Batista to win the world heavyweight championship! This Wednesday night tune into eWe War to see if Kash can retain his title in the rematch this Wednesday night!

Jason Kash defeats Batista
August 23, 2006
- Jason Kash won a number one contender's match on WAR against Bryan Matthews for the right  to face the world heavyweight champion, Batista, at eWe's Summer Slam

Jason Kash defeats Bryan Matthews

Career singles record:

Career singles record prior to EWE:

Height: 6'3"
Current Weight: 255 pounds
Finishing maneuver: The Kash Collector
Hometown: Newark, New Jersey
Birthdate: June 6, 1977
29 years of age
Martial status: In a relationship w/ Angelica Ward
© Ka$h.Inc
20- -eWe- -06

Career tag team record:

Career tag team record prior to EWE:

"Champions expect pain, endure pain and never complain."

"Everytime you think that I'm done, I come back stronger."

Former e-feds:
HWF: Sept 00--Dec 00
XWF: Nov 00--Feb 01-
XAW[1]: Aug 01--Sept 01
EWF: Sept 01--Oct 01
XHWF: Mar 02
XCW: Apr 02
XAW[2]: Jul 02--Aug 02-

Former e-feds:
NWWA: Aug 02--Jan 03-
Jun 04--Aug 04
Jun 05--Sep 05
eWe: Jun 02--Jan 03...
...Apr 03...
...Jun 04...

"Losers quit when they're tired. Champions quit when they hold the gold."

"I will fight till there's nothing left. Till my legs are gone. You won't forget me...."

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