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Judge David Gooding


Judge David Gooding of the Duval County Family/Dependancy Court Division in Jacksonville, FL is using his position as Judge to force children into adoption. He is removing children from the homes of loving parents. Who are able to care for there children. His mission to "place children in good homes" has become an obsession and he is making poor decisions and stripping parents of there rights.

With the Department of Children and Families (DCF), and The Guardian ad Litem office in Duval County, Jacksonville, FL, as his army. He is accomplishing his goal with amazing efficiency. In addition he uses the state appointed attorneys; Athiel Jones and Beth Kernan, as his pawns to insure that the parents have no defense, and kidnap there children. He uses the care takers and court appointed doctors to create a negative buzz concerning the capability of the parents. His court strips parents of there rights and offers no form of assistance during the process. Positive factors are rarely discussed in court unless it is in the courts favor. Parents are constantly being discredited in order to fulfill Judge Gooding’s mission.

Children are being abused by there care takers and /or foster parents and they are being kept from there parents. The entire process is, in effect, child abuse, and when the court extends the cases and case plan beyond reason, they reverse the blame on the parents crying "child abuse". Judge Gooding regularly uses the court process to convict parents of child abuse, neglect and wrong doing before he has enough evidence.

Judge Gooding himself has been in the position many parents have been, in regards to legal issues. He was convicted of tampering with his campaign to become Judge, and was reprimanded, for Ethical Misconduct, related to his 2002 election campaign for judicial office, by the Supreme Court. He was almost disbarred. He was allowed to keep his job while he was being investigated for this crime. He finally admitted the offense and he received discipline. It is unbelievable that a judge who, himself, has made mistakes, was almost disbarred, and allowed to keep his job, would be so obtuse in his dealings with families. His mission should be to help families stay together and provide assistance to them , not rip them apart and kidnap the children. He is clearly an unethical judge and needs to answer to his offenses.


More information concerning this tragedy will be posted here. Including testimonials from other children who have been Kidnapped by Judge Gooding, his Kangaroo court and the DCF. If you and your precious children are a victim of Judge Gooding’s court and DCF, please write to him, your local State Representative and the Governor of the State of Florida to voice your concern.




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