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I love Joseph!

Welcome to my Homepage! Well, My name is Tiffany, as you can see, i love CARE BEARS! well i did more when i was little. But i do sorta now, Im mainly making this homepage to tell about my boyfriend and I . I have never, had anyone that loved me as much as he does. I can tell. Hes so sweet.... i wouldnt trade anything or anyone for him. Hes special. and Different. not bad different. say unique? But i good kinda unique. Very good. He makes me laugh and im happy. I mean we do have our ups and downs, but it wouldnt be a relationship without a fuss here a there *L* I mean, Thats all what making ups about! *EG* He actually Knows my family, although some are crazy *L* my past boyfriends say hey sometimes, but thats about it. Joseph does so much more. I love him so much. and he knows it. My pawpaw died recently. April 18th. and im gonna miss him alot, but joseph helped me through it. he held me, which helped more than enough, it made me feel so much better. Hes good to me, and you cant find many guys that like. And hes cute. SEXY more like it. He doesnt believe me, but he is. Hes kinda country, or dresses like it, he wears jeans that has holes in them, and that is SEXY! Hes dark, and has got those Pretty blue/green eyes. His right eye is blue, and his left is green. see i told you he was Special! Welp, im gonna put some pictures of us on here soon! So Keep coming! : )

The one in the middle is Joseph. : ) hes so sexy!

This is Me! Holding my sweet kitty, White feet.