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Phoebe's Website

This is Hazel Weatherfield, and THESE are her stories!!

Hazel and Her Adventures

"This morning i walked to school. It was a long walk and it was very cold. I was in my new dress that my mother had just made for me. i enjoyed the walk because i could only imagine myself coming home from school and being able to see John. My new best friend. He is always so nice to me. I met him at the show last week. Since im growing up in the cruelty of the world it's nice to finally have a friend. I always wished i could trust someone as much as i can trust John. When we walk he always holds my hand. I like it when he does that. Yesterday..." These were the thoughts of Hazel as she met her soon to be new best friend.

What to do today?

"Today i think im going to go on a trip. It should be a very fun time because im going to being my new friend John. I think we are going to go somewhere that has a nice climate. Im thinking Florida might be a nice place that i can enjoy going to with John." Just as Hazel thought, her and John got on the train and were on their way to Florida in no time. when they got there it was very nice weather so Hazel and John decided to go to the beach and put their toes in the sand. Hazel told John that her favorite place was the beach and what she didn't kno is that John would remeber that for the rest of his life. Hazel thought of John as a very good freind she could trust and John was secretly in love with her.

Journal Entry #1

Today is Wednesday December 5. Im very excited because D.B. is finally coming home to see us. Mom has all the clothes cleaned so she can spend the whole weekend with us without having to do any work. Daddy just got his hair cut because he wants to look nice for D.B. when he comes home. We are all very sad that Holden and Allie can't spend time with us. I don't really know much about Allie but i know he would have wanted to be here. Holden is coming home for Christmas Break, but i always get very sad when he has to go back to school. Well i have to go clean my room and D.B.'s room because i dont want it to be messy when he gets home.

Journal Entry #2

Last time i wrote i was telling about how D.B. was coming home. It was very nice to see him. We went to Central Park to see the ducks, but they weren't there. They must have already for the winter. It was very nice weather this weekend so we were outside for most of the weekend. Today i decided to change my middle name again. I HATE josephine, so i changed it to Weatherfeild. Today i wrote another story about Hazel's adventures. She went to Florida in this story. I would like to visit Florida once in my life. It sounds nice. I enjoy the warm weather so i think i would like it. It's supper time so i must go again.