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This is a test for the possible future J & A website dedicated to hot guys. If it goes anywhere whatsoever in the near future, it will have a different name (something that actually has even a tiny bit to do with the website) and will have pictures of hot male stars, information about them, some fun, weird, and at times scary stuff (but don't be too afraid). This site may also include various things related to cool movies that we love so much. I'm not sure what this will include - possibly mistakes we've found, spoofs, and other weird stuff we come up with. Oh, and of course, we'll have to include stuff about the actors in the movies. Some possible candidates for spots on our website honoring the guys we drool over are: As you can guess from the list above, we will probably have a lot about LOTR and Harry Potter on this site, as those are some of our favorite flicks. This is just a very short list of some of the possibilities for this website. I apologize if you found this site in a search for something with pictures and info (if you did, I bet you're a bit disappointed right now). Hopefully, we'll be able to finish this website soon (if not, then it probably won't be here at all next month). I hope the world will enjoy drooling when we are done!
