
-.:::Disclaimer:::.- This site is in no way affiliated with the WWF, WCW, or ECW. This Roleplay contains explicit language and offensive material that may offend some people if you are one that becomes easily offended I encourage you not to read any further Or Just Not Be Such A Bitch And Read It!,All roleplay material and content is copyright of Fawna. Any use of this roleplay or banners without written concent is prohibited.
-.:::End Disclaimer:::.-

People Used:

People Mentioned:

Title's Held:

Current Record:


Jazz, Maria

Read to Find Out

Anarchy Rules


I hope you guys enjoy this rp.

The Deadly Diva Jazz!!!

~*~Scene 1~*~

Scene opens up with Jazz in the hallway doing push ups.She notices a shadow over her.She stops and looks up.Its former WWE Diva Maria.Jazz stands up and looks at her.

~*~The Dangerous Diva Jazz~*~
What do you want?

~*~The Ditzy Blonde Maria~*~
I was woundering if I could be your personal interviewer and manager?

~*~The Dangerous Diva~*~
Why do you want to be my manager and personal interviewer for?

~*~The Ditzy Blonde Maria~*~
Well you wont have to put up with Virgil then.

Jazz thinks for a minute.

~*~The Dangerous Diva Jazz~*~
Allright but be warned you ask or do anything stupid and you will be hurt.

~*~The Dizty Blonde Maria~*~

Allright.Dont worry I wont.

Maria starts jumping up and down and accidently comes down on Jazz foot.Jazz grabs her by the throat and shakes her head.

~*~THe Dangerous Diva Jazz~*~
I just warned you and youre gonna step on my foot right afterwards.Are you that stupid?

She lets Maria go.

Ill give you one more chance after this.Dont screw up.

~*~The Dizty Blonde Maria~*~
Dont worry I wont I promise.Anyways Jazz are you ready for Anarchy Rumble V?

~*~The Dangerous Diva Jazz~*~
Of course I am.Whos gonna stop me from winning the A Division Title.Definitly not that slut Candice Michelle or the crazy fool Rock.As for the Rumble I could careless about that.My mind is more on the Monsters Ball Match.In fact come on Maria were going to the ring.

They turn and walk off heading towards the ring.

~*~Scene Two~*~
Purple and Pink lights start flashing as you hear Jazz music being played over the pa system.Jazz and Maria walks out.Jazz stops and flexes at the top of the ramp and then they walk down to the ring.They get in and Jazz grabs a mic as her music dies down.

~*~The Dangerous Diva Jazz~*~
Well now it seems the only who to say anything about the Monsters Ball so far is Rock. Aww whats the matter Candice you know youre going to lose your belt so youre not even going to say anything about the match. Hey whatever the reason is it doesnt matter to me. It happens a lot of the time.Of course with all thats going on with you I wouldnt be surprised if you even show up. If that happens then all I got to worry about is Rock. Of course is seems hes not even thinking about our match really.Course thats why Im going to win and theyre not. They are thinking more about the rumble then me and in turn they wont be ready for me. Of course with them being in the rumble they may still win one of the belts but it wont be the A Division one so it doesnt really matter to me which one they win if they win any.Which itll be funny if they dont.Now Candice, Rock I want you to be ready when you get in the ring for an ass beating of a lifetime cause thats what youre going to get as long as I get my title.

She drops the mic as her music starts playing.

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