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A poem to my man
Friday, 5 May 2006
Broken Heart
Mood:  crushed out
“Broken Heart”

I feel like I can't go on.
The love of my life is gone.
I don't know what to do.
All I think about is not being able To share my life with you.
It hurts so much that I won’t Let myself cry.
I'm tired of having to lie to myself
About how my life hasn't been the same Since you left.
Why can't you love me anymore?
Why did you shut me out of your heart, Locking the door?
You are the only man I want to adore, Love, live happily with forever more!
I know it's hopeless feeling this way, But I have to face it,
Because these feelings just won't go away!!
It's hard to say that sometimes
I wish we didn't have proof Of love that somehow always made it through.
I just want to go someplace far
From all these memories that are tearing me apart.
Even the bad ones I think of, because I know that then
I still had your love. To see your face
Would only make my heart race
But at the same time depress me
Because the affection you once had,
Wouldn't be in your eyes to see.
I don't even know why I'm writing this.
It's only setting me up
For more heartache on my list.
I care so much that I prayed for you one night,
Asking God to always keep you in His light.
You will always be in my heart, Even if it is your wish
To leave "Our Love" in the dark,
Where it is never to be found, Or even missed.
You really disappointed me.
I never though you would Just give up and leave.
I loved you more than I loved myself.
I always thought you were different,
But I realize you're not.
I can't be friends with you now, I honestly don't know how.
You hurt me so bad that it's really driving me mad!!!
It would make me so glad if we never had
Established that date, Oct. 20 2004,
As the mark of when
everything had a start
Because it has only resulted in

Posted by crazy/inlovesara at 7:55 PM
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