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Forever My Love


Only God could love you more then I could for he gave me the love I give to you.

Three words that can change the course of the entire world ... stop hearts from breaking and cause the heart to believe again ... and I am saying them to you... I love you. I love you for all the reasons that there are... I love you more than I ever thought it possible to love another human being... I love you with all that I am or will ever be... I love you for the way you bring out the best in me when I am with you ... and in those times when we are together, I love you for being there not only with your love but with your time aswell... I love you in the way the poets write about and the singers sing their songs... I love you so much I cannot think of a time when you were not on my mind... And I love you with all the days of my life and with each breath I breathe... I love you not as just your companion...I love you as your soul mate ... for with every beat of my love for you goes deeper into my soul. Yesterday...I loved you. Today... I love you more. And tomorrow I will love you even more... For my love is not just a single thought or deed ... my love is for all eternity

On a serious note, let me explain,
the way i love you is,
like the way the earth loves the rain,
or like how butterflies blow in the wind,
and how sand loves to stick to your feet,
or how fish love the sea,
every aspect of my life,
has a spot that you fill.
You make the things i do better,
just because im thinking of you.
I know this, i will never get tired,
of looking at you,
i will never stop exploring you,
i will always love you true,
i will never cheat or hurt you,
i will not lie,
i will take care of you,
be your strong army,
live to make love to you,
and always make you happy....
i dont know what else to say except that,
i do love you my friend.

Everyday I am thankful that we met online. My greatest dream came true the day that you became mine. Through the usual routine, just surfing the net, we found something special in each other that we couldn't forget. What happened is hard to fathom like the celestial light above, yet there we were chatting and falling in love. A simple screen before us, we started to correspond and a connection was made that forged a lasting bond. And here we are wondering, how it happened and why. Here are hopeful, wanting to give us a try. Our friendship started slowly, but our hearts leapt in on cue, and we both knew that our newborn love was true. And I don't care where you came from. I don't care about your past. I only know that I love you. What we share is meant to last. (/body)