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Sunday, 18 June 2006
New New New!!! (from myspace blog Posted on May 25,2006)
Horray! The new version has launched!!!! Not but a few days ago imstar* was shut down to get the new version up, it took a day of NO IMSTAR* to get it up and out there for everyone, but it was well worth it. Now imstar* has a brand new look and some cool new features!

For one, there are now Message Boards! You guys have been wanting ways to talk to eachother and make friends without leaving imstar* and now you have it! Now you can get help with clues, leave suggestions on what YOU want to see on imstar*, see the tips & tricks of imstar*, and just make friends-to-boot all without leaving your imstar* screen!

On the main page of the community section there are top tens! Now you can check out who has the most money and the most items in their closests!

Want to be America's Next Top Avatar? Yes Avatar! Right now in the win section of Community is the ANTA contest! 10 finialists will win a $100 shopping spree, and the winner will win a trip to NYC! For more details, be sure to check it out. Don't forget about the Random Acts of Kindness! Yes, just by comeing onto imstar* you have the chance to win some neat things!

Want to be heard? Then just take a survey!

There's also a section to where you can learn how to promote imstar*, help get new users to make new friends!

The shoutout section is now revamped! They have it now split in two, one for your buddies (and others not on your list to send you small messages) and one for imstar* shouts!

Love the look you have now? SAVE IT! in the avatar section you can save an ensemble and go back and put it on whenever you want!

Snap Shots
You all wondered how to take cool snap shots of your avatar, well, imstar* has made it easy for you! Just go to the take a snapshot section in avatar and choose a move and expression you want! take a snap shot and save it! Or post it as your picture on the message boards!

I hope you all are and will love the new version of imstar*! remember to check back often to see new tips and learn about new features as they come!

Posted by crazy/imstar at 7:23 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 18 June 2006 7:22 AM EDT
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Saturday, 17 June 2006
Movie Nights(from myspace blog)
Starting in about a week I will be hosting a chat every week for a movie that you, the users, vote on! I'll have a poll up with a new list of movies comeing on during the week and whatever movie comes up with the most votes is the one we all turn on the t.v. and watch while chatting! If you don't happen to have a t.v. where you can sit and chat while watching then you could always come back during commercials! I hope you all like this idea!

Posted by crazy/imstar at 10:25 AM EDT
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Interns away(straight from myspace blog)
Hey everyone! I really hope you're liking imstar*! Well as the interns are starting up and coming out more I thought I'd clue you in on things that may help you with imstar. There are, as of right now, three Inters for imstar*. Me(imstar_rep_fate), Belle(imstar_rep_belle), and Keira(imstar_rep_keira), are all here to help you guys out! We started off as regular users who, as time went by became ADDICTED to imstar*. We got to know the ends and outs of things going on and BAM! we became interns! Now our jobs are to help you guys out with experiences, or anything else you may need help with on imstar* or even just to chat!

Here are some things that may help you out on imstar*!

1. Experiences- It helps to before you start on them or before you start on a new set of them to go through all the game items before hand.

2. Shout outs- Need to get a message out to all your friends? Just use a shout out, it sends it to everyone that's online on your list at the time.

3. Inviting Friends- If your friends and you have AIM, to add a friend all you have to do is sign on and send them a message, then click the share imstar* button! Or to the left of your buddy list theres a share imstar* button, click it then when the brwoser pops up type in the email of your friend! Remember you get 20 imbux for each new friend you bring on!

4.(quoted from message boards)Understanding the Closet- imstar* has 4 menu items that help you keep track of all the cool avatar things and game items you've collected, bought and earned.

1. closet - this menu allows you to look at everything in your closet in a bunch of different categories. It's pretty self-explanatory once you give it a whirl. Looking for that short hair? Click on closet scroll down to hairstyles then over to short hair. e-z p-z

2. actions - actions are things you can do to a particular thing in the closet. Some things like wear, trade and commit to experience you can also do by just clicking and dragging the item too. Repair is something you can do if your item is too worn out to be used anymore. Yes, items in imstar* wear out after repeat usage! You can sell stuff back to the store too, but it always is at a discount, so be careful!

3. view - this one is pretty handy. You can look at your stuff in four different ways. Detail gives you the whole magilla - name - description - and wear and tear (uses left). List is just that, icon and name. Icon makes it easier to see a bunch of items in a small window, but you can still see the name of the item. Thumbnail is just the icon and the wear and tear indicator, down n' dirty!

4. sort - pretty simple stuff here. a-z's pretty obvious, but the newest to oldest comes in handy when your trying to find somethin' quick.

5. ScreenShots- Want to take a picture of your avatar when it's looking smoking hot?! Or maybe just to put as a main picture on myspace? All you have to do is get it to where you want it to look like then press the print screen button on your keyboard. After that go into paint, drop down the edit tab and click paste. Then your picture will show up and you'll be able to edit away! Remember when you save it to try to make it a jpeg so it's good to use pretty much anywhere you can put picutres up!

For more helpful hints, updates, and news about imstar* check back here!


Posted by crazy/imstar at 10:23 AM EDT
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