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Title: To Be A Woman
Author: Batsutousai(duh!)
Beta: magick_maker17
Pairings: Tom/Draco/Harry and Hermione/Ginevra
Warnings: AU, Transsexualism, Slash, Fem-slash, Child Abuse(mild), Cross-dressing
Disclaim Her: Hey, JK claims she'll never write slash in HP. Me, I live on slash. Obviously, I don't own Harry Potter.
Feedback: Lovely, as long as you’ve read the author’s notes and don’t ask stupid questions. *glares at readers pointedly*

Summary: Harry's know his whole life that he is different from his male cousin, but his relatives, who take cake of him, did everything to hide it. When given a chance do live as he wishes, what will Harry do?

A/N: Give this a try, k? I promise it will prove different. As of, it's more experimental than anything. Blame it on an online doll maker I found and became addicted to, okay?

For more information on transsexualism and being transsexual, go here: Transsexuality


Chapter One: Awakening
Chapter Two: Hogwarts’ School for Young Women
Chapter Three: Misconceptions Misconceived
Chapter Four: Crashing Tides
Chapter Five: Unanswered Questions
Chapter Six: Intruding Nightmares
Chapter Seven: Luna Lovegood
Chapter Eight: The Great Potter Mystery
Chapter Nine: The Scrapbook's Curse
Chapter Ten: What It Means To Be Wanted
Chapter Eleven: Iona Gates
Chapter Twelve: Dresses And Partners
Chapter Thirteen: Visits


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