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Himalya Acres

You are hiking across the Himalayan Mountain range when you find yourself walking through a forest. Not knowing what else to do you follow the twisting and curving path through the trees. You turn a corner and find yourself standing at the top of a slope, falling away below you. You rest your forearms on the wooden fence enclosing the rolling green fields. The fence breaks up and divides the lush green grass into segements. Your attention is drawn to the frolicking yearlings of varying colours and sizes in one of the paddocks. And the mares and foals introducing themselves to the newcomers in a neighbouring field.
As you see no other way out, you decide to follow the fence and hope that it leads you to the cluster of buildings you saw beyond the rolling pastures. You get to the end of the fence and notice another dirt path winding it's way between the fields. You notice that the path is marked by hoofprints. You walk along the path. You turn another corner and come face to face with a cream coloured thoroughbred, you step to the side and allow the string of horses and riders past. Admiring the sleek lined bodies of the thoroughbreds and how the spring sunshine bounced off their glistening healthy coats. You continue along the path and come to a turn to your left. It is a tree lined driveway with a white sign hanging over it, swinging slightly in the spring breeze. On the sign is written in blue letters "Himalya Acres". You walk along the drive and come into a gravelled courtyard. You notice a few cats lazing in the afternoon sunshine. You see two dogs chasing each other in another yard twisting around the corner of the house. The house was a beautiful white farmhouse. You walk up to the blue door and ring the bell. A young woman with brown hair and green eyes opens the door.
"Hello, Welcome to Himalya Acres. How may I help you?" You explain how you were walking through the forest and got lost and then found yourself infront of her front door. You asked her what she was doing in the middle of the Himalayan Mountains.
She explained that she ran a racing farm on these 500 acres of rolling pastures. And offered to give you a tour of the facilities.
You follow her as she shows you around the dirt and turf training ovals. The stallion barn, mare and foal barn, yearling barn and the horses in training barn. She also showed you the tackrooms, feedrooms,washingrooms and sun lamp drying rooms attached to each individual barn.
She then brings you back to the farmhouse after a quick detour to the staff quaters. Which consits of an old Victorian house behind the farmhouse where all the grooms and excercise riders lived. In the farmhouse she directs you back to the nearest town.
*But not before Himalya Acres left a lasting impression on you.*

Hi! =D
And welcome to my stable site. This stable site, is purely fictional. It is based on a great sim game called Owned and run by the great Jackie Wyatt.
It is the Best Horse Racing Game On The Net. If you want to visit Jackie's amazing game and join in the fun. Click on the link below. (
All horses described on this site are made up, and any resemblance to real life horses is purely coincidental.
My stable ID# is 5445. I am in the Equination Federation conference, I am a basic member.
And have an overall race record of 234-42-46-51 and have earned $397562. I am currently 50th out of 100 in the Equination Federation annual points with 236 annual points =D. And 51st out of 100 in the overall Eq Fed conference points with 698 overall points =D.
And here is a picture i drew of my imagenary silks, with the template kindly made by Homestrech Stables. Thank you very much Homestretch the sketch is great pity about my poor artistic skills, =S:
Hope you enjoy my stable site. Thank you for visiting my page. Please come back and visit again!

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