WebTv Javascript Bug! Press cmd+r for 5 seconds! WebTv Javascript Bug!

WebTv Bug Alert!

Press cmd+r for 5 seconds!!!

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Your Valentines TvScreenSaver

FirstName='+namer1+' SecondName='+namer2+'

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'); }else{ alert('Enter Your Name and Your Valentine\'s Name First!'); document.customizerv.name1.focus(); }} function customgo(){ clnk='http://www.geocities.com/webwizardsways/screensaver/customscreensaver.html?nurl='; newurl=document.customizer.nurl.value; if((newurl!='http://')&&(newurl!='')&&(newurl!=null)){ clnk+=newurl; }else{ clnk+='fly.gif'; newurl='fly.gif'; } clnk+='&behavior='; behavior=document.customizer.behave[document.customizer.behave.selectedIndex].value; clnk+=behavior; document.write('

Click Here To Activate

Your Customized TvScreenSaver


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'); } pipsize='small';behavior='alternate'; function customtvgo(){ pic=document.customizertv.nurltv.value; if((pic!='http://')&&(pic!='')&&(pic!=null)){ newpic=escape(pic); }else{ pic='fly.gif'; newpic='fly.gif'; } behavior=document.customizertv.bhvr[document.customizertv.bhvr.selectedIndex].value; pipsize=document.customizertv.ppsz[document.customizertv.ppsz.selectedIndex].value; bgclr=document.customizertv.color.value; clnktv='http://www.geocities.com/webwizardsways/screensaver/custompipsaver.html'; clnktv=clnktv+'?npic='+newpic+'&behaving='+behavior+'&pipsz='+pipsize+'&color='+bgclr; document.write('

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Your Customized Tv-Is-The-ScreenSaver

Thanks for using

Behavior='+behavior+'Pip Size='+pipsize+'
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'); } function brhstry(hurl){ if((hurl)&&(hurl!='')&&(hurl!='http://')&&(hurl!=null)&&((hurl.indexOf('.gif')!=(-1))||(hurl.indexOf('.jpg')!=(-1))||(hurl.indexOf('.jpeg')!=(-1)))){ document.customizer.nurl.value=hurl; document.customizertv.nurltv.value=hurl; }else{ alert('You can only use gif and jpg/jpeg files at this time!'); }}
WebWizardsWays TvScreenSaver
For WebTv Plus
Beat The 10 Minute Disconnect!
Wait for the images to load, then click one of them for various TvScreenSavers!

Use Cmd+R several times if go doesn't work or the images don't load

Once your TvScreenSaver loads, press return for controls, and or press view to return to web!
!!! NEW !!!


With the controversy over the Summer 2000 Upgrade, I have been putting off the new interface for TvScreenSaver².
Thanks for your patience.

I have decided to remove most of the features offered by the upgrade for the time being to help keep all TvScreenSavers compatible with all plus units upgraded or not, but will still release the new interface shortly. Beta testing is almost complete, and there are some new surprises in the works!

Is it a Worm, Is it Building a Staircase
"Wow, Dude, the Colors!!!"
What the heck is that?!?

WebTv Javascript Bug! Press cmd+r for 5 seconds! WebTv Javascript Bug!

WebTv Bug Alert!

Press cmd+r for 5 seconds!!!

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Original TvScreenSaver
Less Intrusive

Fly On The TvScreenSaver


Enter your name and your valentine's name in the text boxes, then click the go button.

WebTv Javascript Bug! Press cmd+r for 5 seconds! WebTv Javascript Bug!

WebTv Bug Alert!

Press cmd+r for 5 seconds!!!

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Learn to use WebWizards WebTvWindows Controls Help?
Use the "All in One"
Customized TvScreenSaver
To Mix Behaviors and Graphics, or Add Your Own Images

Enter Image URL or Choose a Graphic and a Behavior

The larger the image, the more sluggish this page performs!
Note-If either "Click 2 Customize" button doesn't work, you have the WebTv Bug. Press cmd+r for 5 seconds! If your image doesn't appear, double check the url entered and try again.
Get Revenge on that Fly!
Put the Tv-Is-The-ScreenSaver on the Fly!
Customized Tv-Is-The-ScreenSaver
Enter Image URL for Background Image


More Versions To Come!!!
!!!Warning-WebTv Classic Users!!!
I have received reports that clicking on some of these links will cause some WebTv Classics, especially older models, to behave strange, even power off. This page uses interactive Tv coding, and is primarily designed for WebTv Plus units. I am working on pages that will beat the timeout for WebTv Classic users, please check back!
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Have a Great Day!

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